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Hannahliu1Super Member!


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December 24, 2016

Today is December 24. We are going to have a Christmas party tonight. Here is my plan. First, my family and my close friend's are having dinner at my home. They are coming around 6pm. Before 6 o'clock, I have to prepare everything for cooking. So, I sliced or thread cabbage, zucchini, potato, tomato. I cracked eggs in a bowl. I defrozened beef and salmon. I prepared the table and set plates, forks. After 6 o'clock, my friend will take over and do the cooking stuff. She is an excellent cook. The dinner will start at 7:00pm. All of us think it will last at least 2 hours.After eating, we will go to our own group. My daughter and hers will play their favorite game. Four adults will chat and taste tea...