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Date: Jul 11 2002


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

“I didn’t want him to think I was going to, like, date him. That’s sort of sketchy when celebrities just call and ask you out.”
- Natalie Portman, actress, talking about dating.


1. Definition - Study the definition.

questionable, strange, uncomfortable, shady, weird
(When you experience something sketchy, you’re not afraid or terrified, but you feel strange and unsure.)

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

When something is “sketchy,” it makes you feel unsure, or uncertain. You don’t know how to react to it, because it’s strange. For example, a big city in a foreign country might seem sketchy. When you feel a little bit scared or uncomfortable, you’re in a sketchy situation.
Many different things can be sketchy. A car that drives by you very slowly could seem sketchy. A strange person could be sketchy. A movie that makes you feel weird could be sketchy. Any time you don’t feel secure, but you’re not totally afraid, you could say that things are sketchy.


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

””Dude, we saw this totally sketchy guy last night. We were walking home, and he started following us. We didn’t know what to do, so we went into a restaurant. He waited outside for us for about 10 minutes, then he finally left. It was really weird.”“

””Did you see that car that just rode by? I think the people inside were looking at us. It seems a little sketchy. Let’s get out of here.”“

””We went to this sketchy club last weekend. It was really dark, and the music was really weird. It was fun, but I was a little scared that something bad was going to happen.”“

””Paul’s new haircut makes him look a little sketchy. He doesn’t look normal anymore.”“

””I love swimming in the ocean, but those waves look a little sketchy. Maybe we should wait until the water calms down a little bit.”“


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

I think ’ sketchy’ means little quirky, strange, or odd…...
by Andy
I think it means incomplete.
by Robin (Taiwan)
When one does things roughly without details and carefulness, he is sketchy.
by Rebecca
Superficial, lacking in substance
by Kevin (Nanning, China)
If my guess is true, I think sketchy means done roughly and without any detail or care..also it may has the similar meaning with the word <incomplete>..
by Ogün (Turkey)
Sketchy is not having enough details, Ex: I told what happend in a sketchy way.
by Lea
Lacking in completeness, clearness, or polish.
by Rodrigo (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

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