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What does "cheesy" mean?

Vocabulary Word: cheesy

1. Definition (expr.) cheesy is a word used to describe something that has been overdone and is no longer cool

Examples “Her hair is really cheesy. That was popular like 10 years ago. She should really think about changing it up a bit.”

Examples “Do you think it’s cheesy if I wear this outfit? I really want to look cool, but this may be a bit too much. What do you think?”

Examples “I don’t really like Joe. There’s something a little bit cheesy about his personality. He never really acts like himself. He’s a little bit too nice if you ask me.”

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2. Definition (expr.) something or someone who tries to be cool, but in fact
is not something or someone of low quality that is trying to
be high quality

Examples Jimmy is so cheesy. He’s always sitting on his new car

Examples in front of the school, thinking all the girls like him. Someone

Examples needs to tell him everyone really thinks he’s a geek!

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3. Definition (adj.) stupid, uncool, trying hard to be cool but not cool at all, poorly done and unoriginal

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4. Definition (adj.) cliche; poorly done and unoriginal

Examples I wrote her a very cheesy letter because I couldn’t think of anything good to say.

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5. Definition (adj.) silly

Examples She was acting goofy after having three strong drinks.

Examples Unfortunately, my mother watches a lot of cheesy TV shows during the day.

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6. Definition (adj.) silly; cliche

Examples He always says such cheesy things to girls at bars. That’s why they ignore him.

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7. Definition (adj.) obvious and silly.

Examples my Grandpa can be so cheesy sometimes!

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8. Definition (adj.) contrived; not genuine

Examples Don’t give me that cheesy grin. Smile like you normally do!

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9. Definition (adj.) stupid, silly, not original

Examples This shirt is so cheesy. It’s from the 70s and it looks like something my dad would wear!

Examples I wrote her a cheesy letter because I couldn’t think of anything good to say.

Examples This game is really cheesy, but it’s still fun!

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