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November 22, 2007

walking in the street , everything is shining in the sunshine..

talking to others ,everyone has  a sweet smile..

turn left ...a fat man is laughing ....

walk along ..a beautiful  lady looks satisfied and  has a good smile on her face ..

...            ...            ...              ..          ....         ....

we like all these things ...and we talk to ourselves that all the world all like this and it will last forever...

 However...have you forgotten the time that you cry...

   the time that a pretty girl feels lost...

 the time that ..a lovely boy  is depressed with sth.that you can not imagine....maybe a small thing for you..

   maybe  the latter world is the true world...

 happiness that cann't last long is just another way of cry...

  Don't cheat ourselves ....It is a fact that we all feel unhappy no matter how happy you feel ..because It won't last for long....even a day ,a month a year .the years  ...is not short.

 I have just have an idea that  we are greedy so we feel unhappy...

 when we have an apple ,we want a pear,when we get the pear ,we require an orange .....endless....we can never be satisfied....that is the root of unhappiness..

  cut our desire.... and do much work..we will find that we  get more than we  desire...

    Happy world is created by ourselves ...by our mind,from heart...

Wish all friends happy...

05:07 AM Jun 08 2010



I think not being satisfied and not being happy are two different things.

A human can be satisfied even exactly at this point where he does not have anything for real. There are - of course - things to complain about, but complaining can be so satisfying sometimes. See: Without complaining about that we don't have enough, we would not do anything to get more, because of the inner satisfaction, what leads us to one point called stagnation - no movement at all. The only development arising would be dissatisfaction and also aggression as result of the following boredom. Noone likes to be bored. So here we are again at the beginning. It is a chainreaction.

Happiness indeed is one of the highest aims imposed to the human brain, an aim whichis usually just nothing else than utopia - except from the case that the term of happiness is equal with the term of satisfaction for a person.

The point is, that life is never stagnating. Life always moves forward and circumstances always are going to be changed seen over shorter or longer period, so are we (humans) and or personal term of happiness changing.

And ever thought about, that a lot of humans just make themselves unhappy because of that big mission: The Hunt for Happiness?

The biggest problem emerges in that moment a human being decides not to be satisfied without being truly happy. I think there is no explanation neccessary at this point.

Finally I say thank you for that entry you posted - keeping me busy with exactly 12 minutes of typing.  ;) -


08:52 AM Jun 07 2010



 u say people dont get satisifed when they have 1 apple. but, sometimes not having even one apple makes people unhappy. in fact, it is the real unhappiness. and i think the biggest unhappiness is the result of losing the health...

01:38 AM Nov 23 2007


i am very agree with u, boy,he he ~ I satisfy life now very much。。。

November 22, 2007

 How much you love her ...

How much you want to give her ...

How much you can bear her ...

How long you can last...

Nobody knows ....

Nobody will know ....even yourself....

Life likes a a kite in the windy sky....

gentle winds can soft you ....however.....


10:07 PM Nov 22 2007



hello ,lulusa n ,thank you for your comment,and I am glad to make friends with you.and ..however..how can I touch with you?

09:47 PM Nov 22 2007

lulusa n

I guess you are real a lovely boy !would you mind making a friend with me?

November 21, 2007

Playing the computer all day....chatting on QQ all day...sleeping all day....are all past!! That is all because my TEACHER,my university leader....She called back my respect to myself........I  was absent from class today.. and in the class she called all the names of the students..she didn't find me ..and she felt very surprised and  It seemed that she can not belive the fact that I was absent .......I was shocked,and I am awake.....To her this is may be a small thing ..but to me ,this is a turning of my life ...Thank you very much ,my dear TEACHER..my dear FRIEND...

06:05 AM Nov 22 2007


Congratuation !

you are awake!

Be for you!

Come on!