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The Memoirs of Chauvin

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September 24, 2008


Based on the book written by Alejandro Lichauco the "Nationalist Economics" I could say that Nationalist economics is a tool that provides the perspective and the techniques by which a state, regardless of ideology that could nourish and develop the power latent in it as a social organism as well as in the individuals who constitute it.
I have ever wondered why the status of the Philippine economy is not doing its best performance in this 21st century. Probably it is because of the wrong policy which the government does for the states and its countrymen. Government is practicing a policy which is the free trade. Wherein agricultural and industrial products are being sold here this comes from the different states.
In my perspective I could say that this is not suited for our country's development producers will not benefit from this free trade because Filipinos are intent to buy imported products than the local version. It might be the Neocolonialism which happens in our  society. I could say the government should practice the mercantilism philosophy, wherein our nation should import as little as possible and export as much as possible. Like Japan, because she follows the tradition until now, she becomes progressive from an agricultural state into an industrialize state. We should try to implement the policy of the "Filipino First" and this will give Filipinos preferential right over non-Filipinos. I am sure every Filipino will benefit from it.
I know from the very start, Philippines could not even produce a needle, decent hammer, simple machines and a toy gun. She usually imports them from the countries like China and Taiwan. How I wish that she and her government should be engaged in heavy industry than the agriculture and enable to produce the needs of her people. Agriculture should be avoided for it suffers perpetually from low income, mass poverty and high rates of unemployment. Like what South Korea did, she embraced technology and now she is an industrial state that could produce cars, phones, engines and export it into the world market.
If our economic leaders follow their footsteps, we will be the "new Japan" of the 21st century. There will be no corruption, brain drain, illiteracy, high crime of rate and disunity that will hinder the success of every Filipino. Our country needs technology and better education. If our leaders are focused on the education there will be no children in the streets begging for a penny and selling their internal body. If all youth people are enrolled in school, they can attain their dreams and someday they can help our country.


More entries: Makibata 2008 (1), The Insights, KUHILA, The Uneducated Man, La déesse de l'enfer, La diosa de Netherworld, The Goddess of Netherworld, The Recollection, The Nationalist Economics, The Opportunity

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