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Russian Federation

September 15, 2007

ex _01-22-10-42 under; 02 are; 03 I, eye; 04-31 out; 05-01-30 bus; 06-16-20 veal; 07-16 we; 08-15-30 this; 09-27 go; 10-02-19 dark; 11-40-21 jam; _12-20-15 early; 13-02-22-29 genre; 14-25 zoo; 15-31 it; 16-30-31 east; 17 ear; 18-41-30 yes; 19-02 key; 20-40-21 lamb; 21-03 my; 22-16 knee; 15-23-19; 24-35 of, off; 25 or; 26-20 oil; 27-22 own; 28-03 pie; 29_15-06-42 river; 30-27 so; 31-41-22 ten; 05-32-19 book; 31-33 two, too; 28-34 poor; 35-03-06 five. You can write the words without slashes. Like this: 2227 - no, 184130 - yes, _3015303142.

Examples of using it:



Some info: http://spiderbites.about.com/sitemap.htm

36-15-23 thing; 37-03 hi; 38-16-14 cheese; 39-16 she; 40-28-20 apple; 41-20-19 elk; _21-01-08-42 mother; 43 air; 44-28 ape So don't hesitate in sending your commentaries about the subject if you have some questions about its contents or opinions concerning the theme touched here. I'll be pleased to hear from you. Good luck in the process of learning English, my dear friends! Cheer up and take care.

   Well! It's the end of summer 2013. I go on to learn languages by adding Spanish, Italian and Polish to the sphere of my interests. PalTalk Instant Messenger is used by me for voice communication. Welcome to the rooms where people learn languages and practice them via a microphone. That's nice to be able to share your thoughts in a foreign language with somebody who likes it. Good luck! Here is the link to copy and paste to the address line of your web browser - <a href="http://www.palTalk.com/people/users/Khvalovsky">for alive voice chatting of ours</a>in case I'm online, smile. The sites disappear like people do and let's not to be sorry for the broken eggs in our buskets.   

More entries: Let's make a pictural dictionary on any other themes together (1), Antelope *** антилопа (14), Examples of digital transcription, Examples of digital transcription (1), Digital transcription (part 2) (1), Digital transcription (part 1) (1), Let me introduce myself. What about you? (2), Русские учат английский с вами.The Russians learn English with you. (1), Click here to read it again! (2)

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