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NairooZ's blog

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Palestinian Territory, Occupied

May 15, 2009

thanks Allah to protect us from "Swan Flu".. this msg. from my freind and i wanna show it with you..

the MSG:

""" Swan Flu does not attack Muslim .. Muslims don’t eat pig’s meat , because the God “Allah “ forbidden them to take it , so the real Muslim comply with God instruction and adhere his order .
Real Muslim without any protection shall not have HIV/AIDS because he/she have a legal sex” marriage” and not jump from friend to another, God prevented all kinds of relations except the decent real marriage
But Muslims maybe get infected from sick people.
Dear , again it’s a miracle of QUARN , QURAN admonished believers not to take pigs and not to have only a decent and cleaned relation, otherwise the cost is as what you know these days .
God has firmly urged all human to; firstly have a deep insight in QURAN as it is the last message to all nations ,
Secondly , you have to be always vigilant and don’t let devils of Satan and devils of human misleading
God denied pork and pork fat and pork skin and pork and pork bones to Muslims """


i copied the msg as it,


respects and regards

More entries: greeting card 4 ramadan (in english) (2), Happy birthday my Annos (2), I wish I had seen him (2), Muslims and Swan Flu, The World Peace Prayer, Sorry.. ISRAEL.. you can't deceive us.. , Examples of the Prophet`s MOHAMMAD sayings , If you don't know.. I'll till you about "Bush's deeds" (1), The shose's meaning in "Arabs Culture", what is the meaning of 'salaam alaikum'??

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