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February 19, 2009

it's written long time ago. 


With Christmas Day approaching,we today will take the English cet-4 and cet-6 examinations,which we have expected for a long time.

In the morning,and in the afternoon,we want to achieve success belongs to us,I believe we can! 

Although I have not perfectly prepared for my exam,I still keep my self-confidence,my happiness,my careless,my luck and so on.I love this feeling that my finger-tips hitting on the keyboard,the sound .In the afternoon,I will join in an exam with great importance.Everyone gives best wishes to me,I love you,my friends.I will take my best to realize my own success,even though it is so little.

And I remember that today is Saturday when we all have no lessons today.Besides,today is a festival day at which we Chinese should smell and taste the delicious dumplings,isn't it?Yeah,we have a saying that if you don't do like that you will have to suffer from your ears freezed by the extremly cold winter.Maybe it is because dumplings can be compared to ears,aha,it must be very intersting!





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