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At Night

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July 21, 2009

You've noticed that sometimes the moon leaves day
but the sun never comes out at night ...
You know why?

Sometimes the sun speaks to the moon
and the moon that adores him go with him,
leaves behind the night,
night because he has prohibited
you to do with it 
And the sun does not have good intentions
never face the night
is a vagabond, adventurer and capricious
is that only a fool will mourn.
Over the moon that does not understand the reasons

Sometimes the sun speaks to the moon
and leaves it up to him
and make the eclipse. the sun is go
while she holds the reproaches of the night
because the moon will light both love.

And try to hide the night
the universe and space
that her daughter was a sin
sim embargo palidecerá night
and illuminate the earth
when the stars are born
blessing of God to love
the moon by the sun

No planet who wants more sun
as the moon crazy for love

More entries: a little of literature, what do you think??, Sometimes, HI EVERYBODY

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