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My Lovely Thoghts

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

July 15, 2009

Imagine a wall that divides the earth in two parts.First View: many people try to climb it and go to the other side. They do not know what is in other side and do not think that maybe the other side will be worse. They do not pay attention to all things that they have and they only see the empty part of the glass (the problems). If they focus their attention to remove the problems instead of climbing the wall maybe they have better life. But they will not do it. Maybe they see only the wall as a problem. Maybe they are wrong with identifying a problem. Anyway I think this problem is in different situations, different country, different people. We, Humans, do not pay attention to what we have.Second View: some people do not pay attention the wall. They do not like to make a risk. Maybe they are not satisfied with their life but they do not try to test their chance. Maybe in other side of wall, they would have better life. But they are frightened to change the situation.I think people first should try to know themselves and their ability and then the situation and problems and their sources and things that they have. After that they can consult with people who have experience about the problems and THE WALL. Finally they should try to make the best decision by themselves.

What is your idea? What is your WALL?

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