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dark evil

jon cena

jon cena

United States

November 29, 2008

EnGliSh SmS Someday u may lose ur hair, lose ur teeth, ur money and even lose ur mind, But one thing u will never lose ur good looks, . . . . . coz u can never lose what u don't have *********************************************** Every thing about you is Perfect Your lips Your skin Your eyes Your ,,,, You are lucky to be born GooD LooKing Not LiKe me .. Born to be Big LIAR *********************************************** I'm a killer, i kill people for money, but you are my friend I KILL YOU FOR FREE !! *********************************************** When I was a kid, my mom told me that angels live in heaven... Now I know that it is not true... Because if angels live in heaven, . . . . . . WHY I AM HERE? *********************************************** God saw u hungry, so he created rice, Saw u thirsty created water, Saw u in the dark, created light & when he saw u without a cute friend... E7em! He created ME *********************************************** WHeN oNe Door Of HAppiNess CLoses aNoTher Opens, But oFTeN wE LoOK So LoNG At THe CLoSed DooR THaT we Do Not SeE ThE oNe WhiCH HaS oPeNed *********************************************** Living on earth is very expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year *********************************************** May you have enough happiness to make you sweet Enough trials to make you strong Enough sorrow to keep you human and Enough hope to make you happy *********************************************** you should do 2 things when you wake up in the morning Pray to God so you can live. Have shower so others can live! *********************************************** You never stop loving someone; you just learn to live without them *********************************************** Hey friend remember dat without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without ugliness there can be no beauty… so the world needs YOU after all! *********************************************** Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while so when you're lonely remember it's true some,,,, somewhere is thinking of you *********************************************** U Must B Tired Coz U Have Been Running Thru My Mind, U Must B A Good Thief Coz U Have Stolen My Heart I Must B A Bad Shooter Coz I Keep Missing u ;* & it`s a nice feeling when u know some one love u someone miss u someone need u but it feels much better when u know someone ever never will forget u and that`s me a gift for my love care is the sweetest form of love when someone says take care it really means that u will stay in their heart till its last beat so " TAKE CARE" I 'll always love u Vano & don't think that I'll forget u if u thought that u'll be so wrong i love u & i miss u always Be Sure that there are 3 people care you : ME,,,I ,,and myself I love you my sweet heart True friends are like morning ,u cant have them the whole day, but u can be sure they will be there when u wake up tomorrow, .next week,next year forever In my life I learned how… 2 love smile 2 be happy 2 2be strong2 work hard 2be honest 2 be faithful 2 forgive but I couldn’t learn how.. 2 stop rembering u Frhendship is a concept that we embrace yet not fully understand For me a friend is my eye when i cant see ,my ears when i cant hear , .and my tongue when i cant speak A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True friends stay together and never say good bye. Always draw a circle around the ones you love, never draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but circles are never ending. There are 12 months a year ...30 days a month... 7 days a week. ..24 hours a day... 60 minutes an hour... but only one like you in a lifetime Always draw a circle around the ones you love never draw a heart because hearts can be broken but circles are never ending Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all people in world know I need u. years may fly, tears may dry, but my friendship with u will never die at 1st time i saw u.......... i saw love................... at 1s t time u touched me i felt love .................. after all this time& u r still the one i love

02:57 AM May 03 2009

Bonnie Pan

Bonnie Pan

love not only one,people or thing

11:25 PM Dec 10 2008


hello, i'm joy , i  think the picture is the actor of the TV plays named ' Prision break", rigth? i'm watching the play .

 i'm a chinese  , if you want chat with me , here is my msn ' sofia1024@msn.cn

Have a good day!


June 11, 2008

هل أحببت يوماً شخصا ما ..؟

Don't hide your feelings if you don't want to lose someone*
لا تخفي مشاعر الحب تجاه شخص .. إن كنت تود ألا تفقده .

There is a story of a man.. Who always kept his feelings towards his friend. Until the day she got married.. He decided to tell her the truth and...She felt that it's a good joke for her wedding*
يحكى أن رجلا أخفى مشاعره عن فتاة كان يحبها .. حتى جاء يوم زفافها .. فعقد العزم على أن يخبرها بحقيقة مشاعره الدفينة تجاهها ... إلا أنها اعتبرته .. نكتة طريفة لزواجها .

There is a story of a man.. Who has never told his wife how much he loves her...Until the day she passed away. Until now* he keeps sending flowers to her grave everyday.. With thousand kisses on the card saying 'I love you'. Would she be able to know*
وقصة أخرى عن زوج لم يخبر زوجته قط عن مدى حبه لها .. حتى وافتها المنية .. والآن لا يزال يأخذ باقات الورد يوميا ويضعها فوق قبرها .. مرفقة بالقبلات الحارة والكروت التي كتب عليها .. أحبك .. أحبك
يا ترى .. هل ستعلم زوجته بذلك ؟

Yet* there is a story of a girl.. Who always needed a warm hug from her daddy. But she was too shy to ask for.. Until the day he can never hug her any more*
وكانت هناك فتاة .. كانت تتمنى دائما أن تحضن والدها بدفء .. ولكنها كانت تخجل من طلب ذلك من والدها .. حتى جاء اليوم الذي لن تستطيع فيه أبدا أخذ والدها في حضنها .

A lot of stories happen everyday. You could know what had happened yesterday. How can you be sure what will happen tomorrow? Think of something you never say.. Are you waiting until the day Just say.. I love you*
الكثير من القصص تحدث كل يوم .
ولربما أمكنك أن تعلم بما حدث بالأمس القريب . ولكن .. ما الذي يضمن لك ما يحدث غدا ؟
فكـر في شعورك الذي لم تبح به قط ...
ألا زلت تنتظر اليوم الذي تقول فيه فقط .. كلمة .. 'أحبك' ؟؟

If you like to get out from a noisy party and walk together outside only.. with that someone* you are in love*
إذا أحببت مغادرة حفلة صاخبة خارجا .. والسير .. فقط .. برفقة ذاك الشخص .. إذا .. فأنت مغرم .

When you are together with that someone* you pretend to ignore him/her. But when that someone is not around you* you might look around to find him/her. At that moment* you are in love*
عندما تكون برفقة ذاك الشخص ، تتظاهر بتجاهلك إياه .. ولكن عندما لا يكون قريبا .. فإنك تبحث عنه .. عندها .. أنت مغرم به .

Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh* your eyes and attention .. might go only to that someone. Then* you are in love*
على الرغم من أنك تضحك مع أشخاص آخرين دائما .. فإن عيناك وانتباهك تسرحان ذهابا مع ذاك الشخص .. فأنت مغرم به

When you look at a group picture* you might rather look for that special someone (to know who was next to him/her or how was he/she look like in that picture) then looking for yourself* Then* you realize that you are in love* عندما تنظر إلى صورة جماعية ، يقينا تبحث عن ذاك الشخص ( لتعرف من بجانبه ، وكيف بدا في تلك الصورة ، .. ) .. بعدها تبحث عن موقعك في الصورة ..
حينها .. أنت مغرم بهذا الشخص لا محالة .

You have to hook out your telephone line for your busy study* []but you cannot do it for one phone call from that special someone. Then* you are in love*
عليك تجاهل الاتصالات لانشغالك بالدراسة .. ولكنك لا تستطيع تجاهل ولو اتصالا واحدا من ذاك الشخص .. فأنت مغرم ..

If you are much more excited with one short E-mail from that someone than other many long E-mails* you are in love*
إن كنت سعيدا جدا ومتأثرا برسالة بريد إلكتروني قصيرة من ذاك الشخص ،، مقارنة برسائل أخرى طويلة .. فأنت مغرم ..

When you get a couple of free movie tickets* You would not hesitate to think of that special someone Then* you are in love
عندما تحصل على تذكرتين مجانيتين لمشاهدة فيلم أو عرض ما ؛ لم تكن لتتردد في تفكيرك بذاك الشخص المميز .. حينها .. أنت مغرم ..

You keep telling yourself* 'He/She is just a friend*' but you realize that you can not help avoiding the special attraction from him/her. At that moment* you are in love*
قد تبرر علاقتك بذاك الشخص بأنه مجرد صديق .. ولكن في قرارة نفسك أنت مدرك أن ذلك لن يجدي في تفادي الجاذبية المميزة نحوه ..
حينها .. أنت واقع في الحب .. في غرامه ..

While you are reading this mail* if someone appear in your mind* you are deeply in love.. what are you waiting for..?! go and tell him/her about your feelings*
إذا بدا لك صورة أو طيف أحدهم وأنت تقرأ هذه الرسالة .. فأنت .. غارق في الحب ..
ما الذي تنتظره ..؟ اذهب فأخبره عن شعورك الدفين تجاهه


05:18 AM Dec 23 2009



yep,that's the true feeling of young girls who have fallen in love with someone....

10:53 AM Oct 29 2008



i like your topic and there is a proverb who say "love is not blind, it sees more not less, but because it sees more it chosses to see less.

06:53 AM Oct 08 2008



Jon, I liked this story very much. But in my opinion it's too romantic like some soap opera. Such things happen in movies, but our life differs greatly from those movies. Maybe it's because I've never been in love. But you definitely have talent for writing! I appreciate that.

02:05 AM Oct 04 2008





how  are you?


your writing the fact 100%100




08:03 AM Jun 13 2008



yeah, i think so, if you love someone, you shouldn`t lose the chance,and you should do something about it. wait wwill never make it come true.

03:27 AM Jun 11 2008

+ & -

+ & -

i really appreciate ur opinions ~~~but,it is very difficult for girls to do it like this,i think.

03:21 AM Jun 11 2008


yes, i absolutely agree with you . don't wait love appear, we just need more active, love will be alight you! if i will find my dear prince ,i will let him know whenever he has the same feeling about me.love need us to get close to , not to wait.

June 7, 2008

It was nobody's fault but mine
The guilty soul has confessed

لا ذنب لأحد فيما حصل سواي
ها قد اعترفت الروح المذنبة

Darkness enveloped my sunshine
I was so sad and depressed

غلف الظلام الدامس شمسي المشرقة
فقد كنت حزيناً جداً و مكتئباً


You tried to talk some sense into me
But that was just in vain

حاولت أن تعيدني لرشدي
ولكن عبثاُ كنت تحاولين

I was too far from logic and reality
Baffled in so much pain

فقد كنت أبعد ما أكون عن المنطق و الواقع
حائراً وسط عذاباتي الكثيرة


I can't forget the look in your eyes
So sad * hurt and dismayed

لا أستطيع نسيان نظرات عينيكِ
حزينتان جداً و مجروحتان و مصدومتان

Hardhearted to your hapless cries
I crushed the love we shared

كنت قاسي القلب لصرخاتك قليلة الحظ
فقد سحقت كل الحب الذي تقاسمناه


I touched your body with my hand
But not to show you my passion

لامست جسدك بيدي
لكن ليس لأظهر لك هيامي

I let ugly rage control my mind
In ways you couldn't imagine

سمحت للغضب القبيح أن يتحكم بعقلي
بطرق ما كان لكِ أن تتخيليها


I know I lost you* I lost you for good
And your heart is filled with sorrow

أعلم أني خسرتك* خسرتكِ للأبد
فقلبكِ مفعم بالأسى

I say I am sorry with every drop of blood
But still I can't see tomorrow

أقول إني آسف مع كل قطرة دم
لكنني لا أزال لا أرى مستقبلاً


Now behind bars is where I stay
Ashamed and full of regrets

و ها أنا الآن خلف القضبان حيث أقبع
خجلان و كلي ندم

A man who beats his wife this way
Is a man only by looks

فأيما رجل بضرب زوجته بهذه الطريقة
لهو رجل ولكن فقط بالمظهر

07:28 PM Jun 08 2008


Hi, I´m cecilia and my speak english is very bad. but I like speak whit you!

04:35 AM Jun 08 2008



HI again

 How are you?

your examples or our examples of grandfathers

does not leave any Subject to  discussed in

present or the future


But what S'll we do?

we must learn and do some of exberint in our  life




Thanks for you....


اضحك يضحك العالم معك وابك تبك وحدك
o Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.

For all..