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my silence darkness




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February 16, 2008

suddenly, I saw a knife coming from darkness in the darkness as dark as dark side of moon, contrary to moon light shining over us. Time is really relative thing even though we are accustomed to use it as if it is not relative.

what do you know about darkness and time, don t afraid say it honestly. maybe what you know is wrong but don t afraid to say it.

darkness and time cover each other relatively. darkness sometimes looks like beyond light for some and time sometimes seems  timeless for some but we cannot say anything for this

don t ask me why. but if I were you, I would have thought that light becomes darknes because of intensive light time becomes timeless because of getting rid of life 's burden over our shoulders by not getting busy with life much. don t afraid to die and don t afraid to be nothing. because you always wish to be eternal and in contrary with this you always wish being saturated with every desires and longing. but you cannot be satured in this life.

day has been gone, night has already started and I hope new day will be came with new wishes and hopes. let s say it honestly that we cannot be sure about that.

anyway, don t lost your faith and whatever happens in life you should go through in your way straightly.

there is only one eternal but others not.