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Between before dead and after dead




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August 17, 2010

Do you think where you are in a grave.Eveybody still live, but you are a dead person.Every body still talk, love, cry etc. but you are a dead person.Out of side is snowly, sunny, rainly, but you are a dead person.

So, dont kill any alives such as insects, animals infact human.

Love everybody, every human, dont think S/he is muslim, christian, budhist, german, english, black, white. 

Beasue, we will be a dead person one day.

05:57 PM Aug 17 2010


i hope u gat heard by every 1 cuz in reality nobady thinks the way u wirte here may be the admire you here & suppor your talk but in fact no1 make the action .

04:55 AM Aug 17 2010



Life is good, appreciate your God, if you see this text, if you dont like this blog, if you can walk, talk, hate....

I you can do them, you live really