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June 30, 2008

It was definitely a horrible experience. Time was 2:28PM on 12, May, 2008; I was walking back office on 9 floor from toilet, I felt little shake at the very beginning; I thought maybe our neighbor move furniture; but when the shake was keeping on and became worse, I knew it was earthquake then I hided myself under the desk, but the shake was becoming stronger and stronger, I changed my mind to run down the building as soon as I can, which was not the right way as I know now. When out the office, I heard the loud clash made by the furniture jumping or bump between the bookcase and wall. Because lift was stop at that time or maybe nobody tried the lift, all us flooded into the stair well; the building sounded terribly, and concrete on the wall was down to the floor, everyone thought the building would be broke down by the earthquake. The only two things we did were running and praying, as you know not most Chinese people have religions, but at that time praying made us feel better.We were so lucky, the building was not down and we run out to a safe area. I worried about my family, but when I dialed to them, I could not remember the number totally.After 10min, I knew the earthquake center was Wenchuan which is about 100km far from our city. I experienced the 8.0 earthquake, and it was absolutely more terrible than what we can feel when watching the catastrophe films.    

More entries: Go to Zhaojuesi----an ancient temple with 1131 years history, Experience the 8.0 earthquake (2), Food Festival (7), Moon Festival (1)

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07:17 AM Jun 30 2008



May you recover soon.

This is very hard  situation. We were living this feeling in turkey 1999 August. It is tragedy.

03:26 AM Jun 30 2008


hi ,you  are  a  lucky  wowan .god  bless you  !we are chinese .may  we chinese have a bright  future !