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Go Travel English

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United States

May 29, 2011

I find it to be an enjoyable challenge when trying to learn a new language. Currently I'm teaching English and studying Japanese. I find it helpful to be on both sides during the same time period. It's easier to understand both perspectives and appreciate the process more. However, I find it more of a challenge to learn a language. This is the real work.

Sometimes I find myself only completing my homework then moving on to other personal things. Sometimes the danger with school comes the illusion of large progress. There is far more to do every night than just my homework. I find it more useful and beneficial to my development if I dedicate myself to at least an hour and a half each night. Trying to cram learning vocabulary or concepts to the night before a test doesn't help me too much.

I have a tendency to do these bulk learning sessions. Instead, I want to dedicate myself more to learning smaller pieces, but learning these small pieces everyday. Small steps, but daily steps is probably the best way for me.



More entries: Language Consistency & Balance, New Video!!, Raining Cats and Dogs, Language Motivation (1), じてんしゃ, Music and The Past (1), Interviews, etc., Learning a Language (1), Monday Mornings

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