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easy day..easy world

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September 12, 2008

When a lot of foreigners are

eager to know more about Chinese Culture,

what I am doing is just trying to figure out what does the Center of The Universe--NEW YORK looks like...

Don't say I'm insaneI am totally A PSYCHO...

But it is what I really want  Once there was someone had said to the world "Give me a fulcrum I will turn the earth upside down!"...

I beg the God Give me a ticket I will fly to AME...to see what it is really is

 An angle appeared in my dream last night,he asked if I've got any wishes to wish to come true.

I said no...I don't have any...(Jesus ,god knows what am I talking about...+_+)

Then he smiled and said ,"My little girl don't worry...I know your dreams...I will send u there..."A single but shining drop of tear went out of my right eye...

I paused for a little whilethen said,"NOPE...Thanks."  


More entries: If the world were a Village of 100 People, I said NOPE!, i teach,i conquer~~~, the teaching internship...... (1), hi,guys~

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