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March 27, 2008

Entry for March 27, 2008

My ordinary everyday life : home, children, school of my oldest daughter and visits at doctors with my younger children.Everyday routine: cooking, tidying, washing up, washing clothes in washing machine, ironing, doing lessons with my daughter, bringing her to school and to another places she should go (sociotherapy).

Doctors of my children: there are few of them too. My son was born with heart fault (my youngest son, who died last July had it too). Besides he should take do exercises (kinezytherapy and hydrotherapy).One session last 10 days so it takes time.Besides my youngest daughter has feet fault. She should wear orthopaedic shoes and do exercises too. She had physiotherapy (3 series, each 10 days).

Let's add to this everyday troubles connected with not enough amount of money and lotos of debts.

It was written not to complain but to be honest and sincere and how, in spite of this, life can be wonderful.:)

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