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Jenny sun


July 14, 2011

I watched a movie named "The furthest distance ",which is so thought-provoking
,the actress spend her life without any worth,she just goes to work everyday as usual,and she has boyfriend who has another lovers,he just keep ambiguous relationship with her ,but she can't get away from him until the apparance of a beautiful voice.she recieved a tape every week,but it's not for her,it's for the before owner of her house,the owner had left and she can't contact her ,so she just receive the tape and listen to the tape every time.Finally,she can't help to find the source of the voice ,she resign her job and to look for the source.At last ,she find the source ,she and the man who send her the tape stand beside the sea,but they didn't know each other,this is the furthest distance.

More entries: The furthest distance , To love those who need love , The change of choice, love Is Not A Game (1), STRUGGLE FOR FUTURE, Beautful future

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