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Honey Moon

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October 1, 2012

Hi - I'm Luna. I am from Mexico and will to write to try to speak more in english. I am join this website to travel with words to other countries and know more of other peoples. I never leave my country so I try visit more places with watch movies from diferent countries.

I like Italy of watching movies from this country, like Il Postino which my brother show me and it is very beautiful in the images it show and the feeling it give me. Also I travel to Australia in this movie the name is Australia which make it give a feeling of a very big country with many beautiful spaces and big feelings.

This are just two examples but what more movies I should see to travel more to other countries and see they are beautiful?

Big hugs from Mexico!


More entries: Introduce myself and talk of movies and countries (1)

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11:40 PM Oct 01 2012



Hi luna,

I'm from india and just like you i'm here to learn English.

I have interest to learn new culture.hope we can share our views.awaiting for a reply from you.