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United Kingdom

October 14, 2007

Everyone of us dreamt, dream and will dreaming at night... sometimes its kinda sweet dreams, but sometimes its bad, ugly dreams... (I have always bad dreams when I sleepping on my back ! hehe its strange but its true :)) ...why we are dreaming ? I dont know... only I know the dreams are so magic and getting me rocks off ! especially when they are about someone I like, or about romantic stories... today I dreamt about love story, and main role was mine :) some soldier resuced me by bomba attack, and at that moment we felt in love hahaha ;> my dreams sometimes are so stupido :P

October 13, 2007

''Dear Diary, I am laying in a bed in hospital, doctor says that I will have a operation and I will could die... I need new heart, I need somebody who's supported me in this badly moments too, but my boyfriend  had not came yet...

Dear Diary, operation had finished, doctors says that everything were according to plan, but I still need someone who's take care of me, but he isn't still there...

Dear Diary, the time passed me by, I left hospital, everything is ok with me, my boyfriend still had not came, so now I decided to come to him, because I worry about it...

Dear Diary, I was been at him, for long time I was knocked at  the door, but no one been there... door were opened... I Came inside... on table lay a sheet of paper, which said:

Baby, forgive me, that I couldnt supported You in this hard moments... I know, that You needed so much... I wanted make You a surpries, mine heart isnt beating for me now... but I am so happy that I could give it to You, and that I still living in YOU.. I LOVE YOU... ''

10:28 AM Oct 13 2007


United Kingdom

Hally I think world will stopping to exist ...

09:38 AM Oct 13 2007



  what a affecting story it is .if there is no love in the word.what do you think the word would be.

09:17 AM Oct 13 2007


United Kingdom

princessgirl26 no, not happen to me,

I don't know is this true story or caused someone's imagination :> but it's so sweet... sad but beautiful...

08:56 AM Oct 13 2007


is it happen to u??????

October 12, 2007

''Bierne czekanie to nie twój żywioł. Masz w sobie zbyt wiele wody. Woda nigdy nie czeka. Zmienia kształt, opływa każda przeszkodę i znajduje tajemne ujścia, których istnienia nikt nie podejrzewał... ot, choćby małą szparę w dachu, lub w dnie pudełka. Bez wątpienia to najbardziej niestały ze wszystkich pięciu żywiołów. Może wypłukać ziemię, zgasić ogień, porwać z soba i wchłonąć kawałek metalu. Nawet drzewo, mimo że z natury najbliższe charakterem, nie przeżyje nie zasilane przez wodę....''


''Inactive waiting is not your nature. You've got so many waters inside you. Water never waits. It changes shape, circumnavigates every barrier and finds private vents, which existing has nobody suspected... for, even if small gap in the roof, or at the bottom of box. No doubt this is the most unstable with all of five natures.. It could to leach ground, to turn fire out, to galvanize or to imbibe piece of metal. Even tree, although in nature the nearest character, will not survive if it wont be contributeing by water... ''