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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

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January 28, 2011



These days are happy birthdays of some new Islamic revolutions in the world

from Tunisia , Egypt ,Yemen, and so on

I have heard it will be in Saudi arabia soon (Jeda) It would be great to see that.

In fact this is not right ,that Holy home of  GOD and many other Holy stuffs are under control of slaves of super powers not slave of GOD.

Hope all Moslems around the world will pray to destroy this kind of worst people.

 Any way Welcome to watch Islamic revolutions which is happening any moment .

Congratulations to all brave people in Arab countries who don't want to be the slave of super powers. 

just notice to the Super powers reactions a bout these things to find out they are with or against people around the world!!!!!!!!!!!! 

06:52 AM Jan 29 2011

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

شكست حسني مبارك/ كارتون: عباس گودرزي