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September 29, 2008

i was being confused by something. i think the confusion will never be taken away from me. yet, confusion is one of way to tell the difference from human-being to animal, and a way of people who can find out what they are or where they are via working out the confusion.  it can be pretty much the same all over the mankind. however, people always got different ways to give it out. that's why the confusion makes difference, render people in form of many groups, parties, even races.

in retrospect to history, so many talented people were dedicating into this magnificant project in an attempt to be in line with the human morality. but how the morality affected the people?  even they used out the energy and time to work out, still they cant be exempt from Pandora's box, plus war, the degeneration of morality and culture. till now, people still suffer from the remains.  serious problems are standing in front of human, how to create equality, reduce starving and proverty. these issues were born with the first man showing up in the wrold.  unfortunately, the negative circumstance affected much more people, and then they turn into pessimism.

economy, give the opporunity that mankind can be correspondingly equal to each other to some extent, but its no wonder that economy helps to divide into different social ranks, then, here comes the dispute.  many disputes were fill in with a shallow life which lead to the war.

no doubt, Nietzsche is a great philosopher in 19th. his theory of morality philosophy opened our minds to rebuild the world, the social orders. his theory of volition urged to more depressed people who has been suffered from the reality.  in part, can we say that's a indication for human to give out another confusion?

i think i've found his confusion among the plenty of words. we know he was not satisfying with temporary capitalism regime in the 19th.  he criticized the rationality, the christian. he declaimed the human had been rapeted by the so-called religious rationality for many years. even he shouted: " the god is dead!"  i cant say how brave he was, but obviously his precise debate made me find his prejudice.  due to his childhood and what environment he was raised up, the problem is something has been distorted inside his heart, it may getting abnormal or mental sick. he disregared a vital thing that the capitalism is gestated by the so-called religious rationality. although countless people were died accroding to so many wars regarding the christian,  also it push the human to plunge into another rank of development.  poverty, starving and disease remains, while it is almostly as the same as in remote eras. not only the new techs, but a whole newly valuable system was created, it just needs to be developing, and strengthening.  in result, looks like there is no any match with how to work on confusion.

like previously mentioned, confusion cant be removed, never and ever, unless the real god or zeus. Nietzsche was a superman but with imperfection, thus he might not be able to get rid of his confusion. as Hegel said, the history must be dialectical with its process of comment or judgement, so is confusion.

More entries: what a bloody mess in my mind! gotta quit?

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