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^u^ Blog

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September 4, 2008


he  came back to his hometown ,for  he didn't  fulfill his dream  . he chose  to be a postman  to make the money ~

he got the package which was returned by post office for many times . because the adress was wrong ~

driven the curiosity , he opened the package without any permission  ~

he found out that this there were a plie of letters  in it .

and the letter was written by the boy who wanted  to show his regert and apology to the girl .

at the same time , he ran across the girl who came from japan

    http://www.wretch.cc/mypage/duck780923                                                   be continuing

More entries: new start , before the new start !, in the book store , part 2 , movie time , my blog , word, great day, my holiday , friend wanted!

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