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English Literature

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vijay raj

vijay raj


December 25, 2011

In this lesson you will learn American English slang. You will learn the definition and study the usage of each slang.

Slang Definition Slang is the non-standard use of words in a language and sometimes the creation of new words or importation of words from another language.

Slang terms are often particular to a certain subculture, such as skaters, or musicians.


Slang- ace = very good (meaning)

He's an ace reporter who always gets a good story.

More entries: Learn English - Sample Lesson, NATURE OF ENGLISH LEARNING, INFLUENCES IN AUSTRALIAN LITERATURE., Lesson-1 (American English Slang-1), World English Literature - Indian writing in English -A Criticism on Booker prize winning author Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger, English literature (1)

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