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November 5, 2007

LIFE is more precious than any other things in the world. God has given his only begotten son in order for us, human beings, to have everlasting life. In every life one should follow his path towards which he thinks is good for him but this should not be enough because God is good and he wants his poeple to be saved and for these the BIBLE stands as our guide, to think and follow which is right and pleasing to him.

The BIBILE consists of many books written by the witnesses and inspired by the Holy Spirit. They recorded the past, what is happening at present and will be happening. It detailed out the beginning of the world, the creation of human beings as well as the downfall of them. It comes to man in his sin, sorrow and darkness to offer him what he has never been able to find elsewhere. It deals with the difficulties that discourage us, temptations that test us and problems that plague us. It richly reveals the Christ who can change us, the Friend who can free us and the Light who can lead us. It is not enough to know that the bible has never failed man in his despair and darkness but for this book we could now know right from wrong because it is the one supreme source of revelation of the meaning of life.

Why should a person read the bible? It is for the reason that it is a part of a religious curriculum in a Catholic school? It is for the reason to be able to answer the teacher's question? In my part, one should read the bible, may he be a student, a professional or just an ordinary person to get inner strength from it.

Owning a bible is not enough. A person must read it. He must not only read it but let it speak to us. It is not enough to let it speak to us; we must believe it. It is not enough to believe it; we must LIVE it.

More entries: When the Love Cup is Filled (2), a test (4), The Bible (1), Diet or Die (9), When the Love Cup is Filled, The Law of Life, nothing much to do (2), What if tomorrow never comes? (5), most valuable things in the world, 100% me

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11:59 PM Nov 08 2007


yes no bady to know  god but he always to walk along with in every one person he love in ech one in the world