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South Korea

November 25, 2007

有这样一句话“To be a statesman, you need a thick skin. ”,很多人都把它翻译为“做个政治家,你的脸皮要厚一点。”这个翻译不能算完全错误,但主要问题在于表达的意思不够确切。Thick skin的确有一点“厚脸皮”的意思,但是更接近于汉语中“硬着头皮”,常指“因为习以为常而不再在乎(别人的批评等)”。在字典中,“thick skin”条下给的同义词为“callous”(冷淡无情的),“hardened”(有忍受力的),“unfeeling”(麻木的)。

可见,“thick skin”的贬义不像“厚脸皮”那么重。其形容词“thick- skinned”的意思则是“感觉迟钝,分不清好坏”,但还没达到“不知羞耻”的程度。其实汉语中“厚脸皮”更多的应该相当于英语中“cheeky”,“impudent”,“brazen”甚至“shameless”;“厚着脸皮说”可以翻译为“have the nerve/cheek to say”。

下面有这样一句话“As a manager, you have to learn to grow a thick skin and not let people’s insults affect you.”,对于这句话,把其中“grow a thick skin”翻译为“把脸皮放厚一点”还是偏贬。这句话应该翻译为“作为一名经理,你必须学会不要太在乎人们的无礼,不要为此而影响到自己。”而“He is as thick-skinned as an elephant.”的意思是“他不听人劝。”

现在再来看开头的句子。根据上下文,其实“ thick skin”带有一定的褒义。句中的statesman是个褒义词,意为“政治家”(“politician”则是中性词,一般表示政客的意思,有时也表示为“政治家“)。所以这一句可以翻译为“要当个政治家,你要经受得住批评。”

“Thick skin”的反义词“thin skin”倒是和汉语中“脸皮薄”接近,但强调“敏感”,尤其指“经不住批评,欺负等。而“have a bad skin”则是“生气”的意思,例如“Don’t disturb him, he is now in a bad skin.”(别去惹他,他正上火呢。)

06:15 PM Dec 10 2008



wow~can you speak chinese?so cool~~

i wanna to be friends with you~~~

this is my msn:   xiaoyan170@hotmail.com

add me ~~~let us chat!

10:29 PM Nov 30 2007



hi my name is june .I'm from thailand.I want Friends.Nice to meet you

01:34 AM Nov 25 2007


are you kidding!that's ridiculous!the picture is not you,some guys always put another's picture on the website,if some one want to learn and improve their english though chatting online in english,and he couldn't do like that!

November 22, 2007

国务院       State Council

外交部       Ministry of Foreign Affairs

教育部       Ministry of Education

公安部       Ministry of Public Security

监察部       Ministry of Supervision

民政部       Ministry of Civil Affairs

司法部       Ministry of Justice

财政部       Ministry of Finance

人事部       Ministry of Personnel

建设部       Ministry of Construction

铁道部       Ministry of Railways

交通部       Ministry of Communications


水利部       Ministry ofWater Resources

文化部       Ministry of Culture

卫生部       Ministry of Health

农业部       Ministry of Agriculture

党中央       the Chinese Central Party, Central Committee (CCPCC)

中央军委     Central Military Commission of the PRC

海关总署     General Administration of Customs

中央政治局        Political Bureau of the Central Committee

信息产业部        Ministry of Information Industry

科学技术部        Ministry of Science and Technology

国家安全部        Ministry of State Security

国土资源部        Ministry of Land and Resources


国务院办公厅      General Office of the State Council

中国红十字会      Red Cross Society of China

最高人民法院      Supreme People’s Court

中华全国总工会    All-China Federation of Trade Unions

中共中央委员会       Central Committee of Communist Party of China

最高人民检察院       Supreme People’s Procuratorate

海峡交流基金会       Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF)

中华全国工商联       All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

全国人民代表大会     National People’s Congress (NPC)

劳动和社会保障部     Ministry of Labor and Social Security

中国国际贸易中心     China International Trade Center

海峡两岸关系协会     Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (Arat)

中国科学技术协会     China Association for Science and Technology

中国共产主义青年团    Communist Youth League of China

对外贸易经济合作部    Ministry of Foreign Trade and EconomicCooperation (Moftec)

国家发展计划委员会    State Planning Commission

国家经济贸易委员会    State Economic and Trade Commission

全国人大常务委员会    Standing Committee of NPC

国家民族事务委员会    State Ethnic Affairs Commission

国家计划生育委员会    State Family Planning Commission

对外贸易仲裁委员会    Foreign TradeArbitration Commission (FTAC)

中华全国妇女联合会    All-ChinaWomen’s Federation

中华归国华侨联合会    China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese

中国翻译工作者协会    Translators’Association of China

中国残疾人福利基金会  ChinaWelfare Foundation for the Disabled

中国人民政治协商会议    Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

中国国际信托投资公司    China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC)

中国成套设备出口公司    China National Complete Plant Export Corporation

中国对外贸易运输公司    China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation

中国工艺品进出口公司    China National Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation

中国人民对外友好协会    Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

中国外商投资企业协会    The Association of Chinese Enterpriseswith ForeignInvestment

中国国际贸易促进委员会  China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

国防科学技术工业委员会  Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense

November 22, 2007


1. to fall in love with (someone)

先从我们最熟悉的片语开始,to fall in love with (someone) 是指“爱上某人”, to fall madly in love with (someone) 意思就是“疯狂地爱上某人”啰:

They have fallen in love with each other for years.(他们相爱多年。)

He falls madly in love with her.(他疯狂地爱上了她。)

2. to fall head over heels in love

Head over heels 本身是指“颠倒,完全地”,用在爱情上真是再合适不过了。To fall head over heels in love这个片语常指很快落入情海:

He fell head over heels in love with her. (= He fell for her head over heels = He is head over-heels in love with her.)(他与她沉溺情海,爱得晕头转向。)

3. to love (someone) from head to toe


He loves her from head to toe.(他从头到脚地爱她。)  

4. two peas in a pod


They are two peas in a pod. (他们像豆荚里的两粒豆子——即形影不离。)

They only have eyes for each other(and forget the entire world.)(世界上似乎只有他们两个人。)