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Arabic friends please help me

perfect girl

Saudi Arabia

for Araic people

would u help me to translate this text  to Arabic

History shows that the evolution of women's participation in the Olympic Movement has been increasing over the years, since their first participation in the 1900 Olympic Games and especially in the last 30 years. This evolution has taken place within a favourable social, political and cultural framework where women’s issues started to be addressed and led to major actions and regulations which recognised and defended women’s rights at all levels of society.

The work of women’s rights groups was particularly relevant to the advancement of women in sport. Access to sport has been part of international instruments and documents, which the United Nations and other institutions approved and promoted in the 1970s and 1980s. Sport and physical activities have been recognised as having a positive impact on health and as a tool to eliminate socially-constructed gender stereotypes. This progress could be made thanks also to the strong determination of women from different countries of the world who persistently worked to be fully part of the sports movement and of its development.

Over decades, scientific research and knowledge have managed to get rid of many myths based on female morphology and many preconceptions arguing that sport was harmful to women’s health and reproductive health in particular. Health studies have provided many positive feedbacks on the benefit of physical activity and sport for young girls and women to fight non-communicable diseases and to ensure better aging. Even more, the benefits of physical activity and sport have been positively measured in terms of psycho-pedagogical effects: from socialisation to self-esteem building, girls and women engaged in sport have been strengthened and managed to reach out of their traditional role in society. Learning to win, to have fun and success through sport, were among the best schools of life. Mentalities became more receptive to this truth and physical education and sport would be more accessible to young girls at schools.


i realy need  ur helping

01:42 PM Jan 03 2008 |

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Saudi Arabia

ok my friend 

dont worry i will do it tonight i can t right now  and i will send it to u    


02:14 PM Jan 03 2008 |



Saudi Arabia

History shows that the evolution of women's participation in the Olympic Movement has been increasing over the years, since their first participation in the 1900 Olympic Games and especially in the last 30 years. This evolution has taken place within a favourable social, political and cultural framework where women’s issues started to be addressed and led to major actions and regulations which recognised and defended women’s rights at all levels of society. 
يظهر التاريخ ان تطور مشاركة المراة في الالعاب الاولمبية زادت خلال السنوات منذ اول مشاركة في الالعاب الاولمبية سنة 1900وبخاصة خلال السنوات الثلاثين الماضية .حدث هذا التطور خلال اطار اجتماعي وسياسي وثقافي مشجع فيه قضايا المراة بدات تناقش  وتودي الى الى تعليمات وافعال  رئيسية تعترف  وتدافع عن حقوق المراة على جميع  المستويات في المجتمع 

هذه ترجمة سريعة ممكن فيها اخطاء لاكن راح اعطيكي تعليمات مهمة  اول شي الجملة بالعربي غالبا فعلية لذلك  نا بالفعل اوكي 

المشكلة انا مشغول لكن القطعة عندي اذا فضيت باذن الله انها اخلصها اليلو وهسي  سهلو حا ولي انتي  وباذن الله تخلصين        

02:43 PM Jan 03 2008 |


Saudi Arabia


03:37 PM Jan 03 2008 |



Saudi Arabia

The work of women’s rights groups was particularly relevant to the advancement of women in sport. Access to sport has been part of international instruments and documents, which the United Nations and other institutions approved and promoted in the 1970s and 1980s. Sport and physical activities have been recognised as having a positive impact on health and as a tool to eliminate socially-constructed gender stereotypes. This progress could be made thanks also to the strong determination of women from different countries of the world who persistently worked to be fully part of the sports movement and of its development.
عمل المجموعات الحقوقية النسائية كان مرتبطا بتقدم المراة في مجال الرياضة .ممارسة الرياضة كان جزء من الاليات والمواثيق الدوليت التي وافقت ودعمتها الامم والمتحدة والمنظمات الاخرى في السبعينيات والثمانينيات  .من المتعارف عليه ان الرياضو ولانشطة الرياضية لها تاثير  ايجابي
على الصحة وكاداة للقضاء على الفاهيمالاجتماعية  الشائعة المتعلقة بالجنس  .
وهذا التطور يعود الفضل فيه الى التصميم القوي من اانساء في مختلف  الدول حول العالم  التي عملت باصرار  لتكون بالكامل جزء من الحركة الرياضية  وتطويرها  


Over decades, scientific research and knowledge have managed to get rid of many myths based on female morphology and many preconceptions arguing that sport was harmful to women’s health and reproductive health in particular. Health studies have provided many positive feedbacks on the benefit of physical activity and sport for young girls and women to fight non-communicable diseases and to ensure better aging. Even more, the benefits of physical activity and sport have been positively measured in terms of psycho-pedagogical effects: from socialisation to self-esteem building, girls and women engaged in sport have been strengthened and managed to reach out of their traditional role in society. Learning to win, to have fun and success through sport, were among the best schools of life. Mentalities became more receptive to this truth and physical education and sport would be more accessible to young girls at schools.

على مر العقود.  استطاع البحث العلمي والدراسات  التخلص من كثير من الاعتقادات الخاطئة المتعلقة بتركيبة المراة والتخلص من كثير من الاراء المسبقة التي تنادي بان الرياضة مضرة لصحة المراة وخاصة الحهاز التناسلي لديها . .  وفرت الدراسات الصحية الكثير من الاجابات الاجابية حول منفعة النشاط الرياضي والرياضة للفتيات والنساء لمحاربةالامراض الغير قابلة للانتقال  ولضمان حياة افضل.واكثر من ذلك فان منافع الرياضة والنشاط الرياضي تم قياسها بالنسبة لتاثيرات التربوية النفسية  من الاجتماعية الى الثقة بالنفس وتم تقوية  الفتيات والنساء المشاركات بالنشاط الرياضي    للوصول لدورهن التقليدي في المجتمع . تعلم لتربح وتستمتع وتنج من خلال الرياضة كانت من افضل مدارس الحياة . العقليات اصبحت اكثر تقبلا لهذه الحقيقة  والتعليم الرياضي والرياضة سوف يصبح  متاحا اكثر  للفتيات في المدارس             


08:40 PM Jan 03 2008 |



Saudi Arabia

       الذي لاحظته في هذه القطعة انها تخلو من الروابط بين الجمل مما يجعلها صعبة الترجمة لان الجل تبدو معزول وشبه مفصولة      ملاحظة  

هذه كانت ترجمة سريعة واذا لاحظتي اي شي لا تترديي  بالسوال وايميل هو 

abu_sandra athotmail    but sorry  my friend  iam rarely online on it

08:43 PM Jan 03 2008 |

perfect girl

Saudi Arabia

الف الف شكر خيو على مساعدتك

بجد  اقدر لك مبادرتك الله يسعدك ويسهل امرك



10:08 PM Jan 03 2008 |



Saudi Arabia


but as i said  i think this text is difficult for the reason i mentioned 

can u tell me plsss from where u get it?


10:40 PM Jan 03 2008 |



Palestinian Territory, Occupied

I was about translate it but MR abu sandra did it perfectly , so next time ,take care..!!  

11:20 PM Jan 03 2008 |

perfect girl

Saudi Arabia

Abu sandra  I get it from  this website


Charger  thanks alot

08:43 PM Jan 05 2008 |