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Is Jesus God?

Fadi A. Saif


Have you ever met a man with such personal magnetism that he is always the center of attention? Possibly his personality or intelligence--but something about him is enigmatic. Well, that’s the way it was two thousand years ago with Jesus Christ. But it wasn’t merely Jesus’ personality that captivated his followers. Those who witnessed his words and life tell us that even though he was human, he was remarkably different from all other men.

Eyewitnesses tell us that Jesus was a man who grew physically, ate, slept, felt pain, and eventually died (as claimed by some people). Their written accounts also describe Jesus as walking on water, calming storms, healing the blind and lame, and even raising the dead. Furthermore, they tell us that Jesus appeared alive to them after they watched him "die" on the cross.

Jesus’ greatness was obvious to all those who saw and heard him. But, whereas most great people simply fade into history books, Jesus of Nazareth is still the focus of numerous books and media controversy.

According to Jesus, you and I are special, part of God’s great plan for us, with him as the carrier of God's message. These and other "claims" like them stunned everyone who heard them uttered; that caused him to be viewed as a threat by both the Roman authorities and the Jewish hierarchy. Although he was an "outsider" with no credentials or political power base, within three years, Jesus changed the world for the next 20 centuries.

Although some have wondered if Jesus really existed, even most non-Christian scholars acknowledge him as a real person. The great non-Christian historian, H. G. Wells, speaks ranked Jesus as the most influential person ever. Other great leaders have left an impact-but nothing like that "unknown" carpenter from Nazareth. What was it about Jesus Christ that made the difference? Was he merely a great man, or something more? Some believe he was merely a great moral teacher; others believe he was simply the leader of the world’s greatest religion. But many, including former skeptics, believe something far more. 

To come to conclusion, Scholars' research have indicated that Jesus Christ is a person. However, the research did not view Jesus as he is supposed to be viewed. I will provide the Islamic view about Jesus Christ as follows:

Jesus is human.

- Jesus is not God.

- Jesus' miracles that he raises the dead and healing the blind and lame are true and have happened, but that doesn't make him God. As a messenger of God, he was supported by God and so God has "provided" him with miracles so people can believe he was send by God himself.

- Jesus has never claimed to be God. People might have either misunderstood or falsified his sayings.


No offense intended, I am just providing you with the Islamic perspective on Jesus Christ as a prophet and a messenger of God. 

P.S. The topic is taken from a research post and edited in a way as to delete anything offensive towards Jesus.


02:19 PM Sep 25 2010 |

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If God is superior than us, this also makes him more intelligent than us and thus we can't always understand him. Hiob for example never understood why God punished him like that, but God had his reasons. Hiob only being able to think human just didn't understand, just as a horse may not be able to understand everything about the way his owner thinks, because the owner is by far the superior one. That we don't understand why he allows this or that disaster to happen doesn't forcibly prove his non-existence although some atheists may say that if there was a god who cares for men, a lot of disasters couldn't happen and that as a result it's very likely that there is no God, but I guess it goes without saying that I don't believe them.

"If the brain agree with the believes, it will make it stronger". Well, you can't prove that there is an afterlife only using science and maths, nor was there ever any natural scientist, laboratory assistant whatsoever who could prove the existence of God. If you ask me a religion that would be based on scientifically or logically explainable things wasn't a believe anymore. Just as they believe in the fact that 1+1=2, people just would have to believe in the existence of God and all his miracles, which would be the same as believing in the existence of the sun. Religion just includes trust and faith in God, although you don't always understand why he allowes this or that thing to happen. I guess, it's okay to wonder why God allows tragedies and disasters to happen, but you should still try to trust in God, believing that he has good reasons to allow horrible things to happen aswell.

P.S. In the Books of Moses it is described how God let all kinds of things (e.g. food) rain down to earth and you call it a weird imagination that he was also able to come down himself in the form of a man? By the way the Christians weren't the first ones to believe in the incarnation of their god. Already the ancient Egyptians believed that their god Bast betimes visited her people in the form of a cat.

11:17 PM Dec 29 2010 |



He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the father, but by me."

does that mean he's god?

all god's prophets were the same they were "the way" of ppl to know god and to obey him and they were "the true" as god supported them by miracles and "the life" as unbelievers like died and they came to give them the life by believing in god and "no one comes to father but by them"

question did jesus ask his students to worship him?


11:36 AM Dec 30 2010 |





You are right! Jesus Christ never said he was God, but please read the comment in this forum in which I explain why we think of him either as God or as his son.

P.S. It occurs to me that this conversation will never come to a clear ending: You'll never make a true Christian believe in the things a Muslim believes in, just as you'll never make a strict Muslim believe in Christian ideas.

He never told us to worship him, but all four evangelists describe a conversation between him and his disciples in which the latter say they thought of him as the Messiah. If he hadn't been the Messiah, he would have told them they were wrong, but he did not and this fact (namely that he was the Messiah) at least sets him apart from other prophets whether or not you believe in the things most Christians believe in.

04:15 PM Dec 30 2010 |




I know that Jesus is very important for Muslims aswell-as his mother. However-correct me if I'm wrong-you don't consider him to be the Messiah, do you?

04:30 PM Dec 30 2010 |




I totaly agree with u Fadi A 

05:03 PM Dec 30 2010 |




Some non-Christians say it doesn't make sense that Jesus died if he was God or his son, but yes, it did: Back then people sacrificed money, pigeons or other animals to make God forgive them. The ultimate sacrifice-i.e. Jesus Christ, who according to what Christians say was without any sin-just was necessary. After all the original sin which as you know already was committed by the first human beings just got continued by the first  fratricide, the fact that the human race more and more forgot to obey God (plus the resulting Deluge) and so on.

I know things like these may sound weird to non-Christians, but there also are things about Judaism or Islam someone who has never heard about these religions before may consider to be weird. An atheist would even go so far as to call all the three of these world religions weird.

05:48 PM Dec 30 2010 |

Miss Fabulous


I can`t understand how God can be  a human and a God at the same time. If Jesus was God, why did he address God in the Bible? Why would he talk to himself? Plus God is almighty, that is out of the question.So why do you think that he would not be able to send a messenger, someone who is a human just like the ones he was sent for and would come himself? Last but not least: If Jesus was God, was he the only God you believe in or the Son? If its the son, then Christianity is not a monotheism, a belief in the only God, but a polytheism, the belief in several Gods. But if you say, he is the only God, why is he called Son?

In my opinion the contradictions are obvious. It is clear that human views and thinkings were meddled into the religion, its not untouched as God has initially taught human beings about Christianity. There is still a splitting among Christians:those who believe in Jesus as a God and those who regard him as a messenger.

09:06 PM Dec 30 2010 |




Miss Fabul

I already explained that Christianity is a monotheistic religion! Some just believe in Trinity, i.e. that God is father, son and Holy Spirit at the same time. "would not be able to send a messanger": I don't understand what you mean by that! God already sent-and maybe still does send-lots of messangers. According to Christian theology the incarnation of God just was necessary after the original sin. You may say that God-who after all is allmighty could have found an easier solution than that. Well, it would also have been easier if he had destroyed that one tree in the Garden of Eden, if he had let the Egyptians die and let their Hebrew slaves rule all over Egypt, if he had wanted to smite the wicked personally instead of letting Noah build his ark and only saving a few animals and human beings etc. As I said before God's paths betimes can be  unfathomable: In the bible God's often described as some kind of shepherd of us, but sheep are just animals! They don't always understand their master. However it may be possible that the authors of the bible also put their own interpretation in it,Iagree on thatbut on the other hand it is possible aswell that the koran and the thora include traces of human thinking aswell. This is no offence against Judaism or Islam, but I just try to explain what I think about your accusation.

P.S. Most of this is just a résumé of things I already posted, so please (everyone) read the previous comments of this forum before asking another question. It may be possible that someone has already given the answer to your question.


Yes, but there still are things we don't understand! For example we don't understand why God allows people to commit crimes and terror, instead of sending another flood. Why did he allow the nazis to murder millions of Jews, although they actually are his chosen people? Why didn't he interfear when people started crusades or the burning of witches-in his name? Why does he allow the discrimination or persecution of religious people (who after all believe in him and trust him) in several countries?

Have a nice day everyone!

09:18 AM Dec 31 2010 |





"jews of nowadays are not the chosen people"

But in the Old Testament it's clearly said that the Jews are God's chosen people. Wouldn't he break his promise if he changed his mind now?

"All bad things happen are because of our deeds, so if something bad happened to us, we should look for the reason."

I don't fully agree on that! Hiob for example didn't know anything he had done wrong and God still allowed so many bad things to happen to him, while today there are so many bad people who have a life of wealth and happiness. You may be right saying that the disasters of nowdays are to blame on us and the pollution if our environment, but this wasn't always like that! In Pompeji-it was the year 79-a lot of people (including lots of innocent children) died after the erruption of a volcano.

If you however explain this by saying that God allows disasters like these to happen as some kind of test for us, I wouldn't have any argument against this theory of yours, but it's not always us who are to blame for if some horrible things happen.

11:41 AM Dec 31 2010 |



This is true!!!!Jesus has never claimed to be God. If Jesus was God, whom raised him after your death?? Jesus is the son of God.Jesus teach us clearly, he says' because the Father is greater than I am', – John14:28.The blible teach us,  'That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.' – Psalms 83:18. 
 But, the false christianity erase this name the your bible, with the objective, to confuse people.
For more www.watchtower.org

11:52 AM Dec 31 2010 |