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Life Talk!

Can you speak fuently in public?




I don't know what I say and my mind goes blank when I am speaking in the public. I really admire someone who can speak fluently. They are nervous too but how can he or she be so good?

05:48 PM Dec 06 2006 |

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As the saying goes "practice makes perfect", just make it sure that ur doing it with a native speaker or if not someone who is knowledgeable,like ur english teacher.it's just okay to get nervous that may happen to anybody when speaking in public.especially if ur not at ease with the language coz  its ur first time or ur a beginner, the important thing is u try ur very best.

03:06 PM Oct 25 2007 |




Right, it needs practice. But, it's got to be from your heart plus head to make it best.

A tip from my own experience: know what you want to speak-details and details in your mind., bring it up from the point that is most intriguing your audiences, speaking it out naturally(or making it most naturally), noticing your audiences' reaction—exciting, bored, seepy, leaving, following with every word, ..

And sometimes, you can engage your audiences to show their opinion, as well. that will help you have some time to gather your wit.



04:23 AM Oct 28 2007 |




chance to practice english with drhow my messanger is nabooln at hotmail.com

06:12 AM Oct 28 2007 |



i am easily to get nervous when i delieve a speech in the public. only the thought of appearing in the pubic would frightend me

09:29 AM Oct 28 2007 |