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Muhammad In Hindu Scripts:




Muhammad In Hindu Scripts

A recently published book in Hindi has raised a lot of hue and cry all over India. In the event of the author being a Muslim, he would have been jailed and a strict ban would have certainly been imposed on the printing and publishing of the book. The author of this important research work "Kalki Autar" i.e. "guide and Prophet of whole universe" comes of a Bengali race and holds an important portfolio at Ilahabad Univerity. Pundit Vaid Parkash is a Brahman Hindu and a well known Sanskrit scholar and research worker. Pundit Vaid Parkash, after a great deal of toil and hard-work, presented the work to as many as eight great Pundits who are themselves very well known in the field of research in India, and are amongst the learned religious leaders. Their Pundits, after thorough study of the book, have acknowledged this to be true and authentic research work.

Important religious books of India mention the guide and prophet by the specific name of 'Kalki Autar' it denotes the great man Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him)) who was born in Makkah. Hence, all Hindus where-ever they may be, should wait no longer for any other 'Kalki Autar' but to embrace Islam and follow in the footprints of the last Messenger of Allah who was sent in the world about fourteen hundred years ago with a mission from Him and after accomplishing it has long ago departed this world. As an argument to prove the,authenticity of his research, Pundit Vaid Parkash quotes from Veda, a sacred book among Hindus:

  1. Veda mentions that 'Kalki Autar' will be the last Messenger/Prophet of Bhagwan (Allah) to guide the whole world. After quoting this reference the Pundit Parkash says that this comes true only in the case of Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him)).

  2. According to a prophecy of Hinduism, 'Kalki Autar' will be born in an island and that is the Arab territory which is known as 'Jazeeratul Arab.'

  3. In the 'sacred' book of Hindus the father's name of 'Kalki Autar' is mentioned as 'Vishnu Bhagat' and his mother's name as 'Somanib.' In sanskrit Vishnu' stands for Allah and the literal meaning of 'Bhagat' is slave. 'Vishnu Bhagat' therefore in the Arabic language will mean Allah's Slave (Abdullah). 'Somanib' in Sanskrit means peace and tranquillity which in Arabic is denoted by the word 'Amina.' Whereas the last Messenger Muhammad's father and mother's names were Abdullah and Amina respectively.

  4. In the big books of Hindus, it is mentioned that 'Kalki Autar' will live on olive and dates and he will be true to his words and honest. In this regard Pundit Parkash writes, "This is true and established only in the case of Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him))."

  5. Veda mentions that 'Kalki Autar' will be born in the respected and noble dynasty of his land. And this is also true as regards Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him)) as he was born in the respected tribe of Quraish who enjoyed great respect and high place in Makkah.

  6. "Kalki Autar" will be taught in the cave by Bhagwan through his own messenger. And it is very true in this matter. Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him)) was the only one person in Makkah who has taught by Allah's Messenger Gabriel in the cave of Hira.

  7. It is written in the books which Hindus believe that Bhagwan will provide 'Kalki Autar' with the fastest of a horse with the help of which he will ride around the world and the seven skies/heavens. The riding on 'Buraq' and 'Meraj' by the Prophet Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him)) proves what?

  8. It is also written in the Hindus' books that 'Kalik Autar' will be strengthened and heavily helped by Bhagwan. And we know this fact that Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him)) was aided and reinforced by Allah through His angel in the battle of Badr.

  9. Hindus books also mention that 'Kalki Autar' will be an expert in horse riding, arrow-shooting and swordmanship. What Pundit Vaid Parkash comments in this regard is very important and is worth attention and consideration. He writes that the age of horses, swords and spears is long ago gone and now is the age of modern weapons like tanks, missiles and guns and therefore it will be unwise to wait for 'Kalki Autar' bearing sword and arrows or spears. In reality, the mention in our books of 'Kalki Autar' is clearly indicative of Muhammad ((may Peace Be Upon Him)) who was given the heavenly book known as Al-Qur'an.

09:02 AM Feb 14 2009 |

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"Qur'an 35:24
Verily We have sent thee (Muhammad) in truth as a bearer of glad tidings and as a warner:
And there never was a people without a warner having lived among them
(in the past)."

The compiler of the Puranas, Mahrishi Vyasa, is highly honored among the Hindus as a great rishi and learned person. He was a pious and God fearing man. He also wrote the Gita and the Maha Bharat. Among the eighteen volumes of the Puranas is one by the title ‘Bhavishya Puran,’ literally meaning future events. The Hindus regard it as the Word of God. The prophecy containing Prophet Muhammad by name is found in Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3, Verse 5.

Before the English translation is presented, a note on the word Malechha that appears in the first part of verse 5 is in order. The word Malechha means a man belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language. This word is now used to degrade people meaning unclean or even worse. Its usage varies and depends on who is using it and for whom. Sir William Jones had great difficulty in recruiting a Pundit to teach him Sanskrit because he was considered unclean (Malechha). It was only after the direct intervention of Maharaja (King) Shiv Chandra that Pundit Ram Lochna agreed to teach him Sanskrit.

It is not known when this word began to be used in the derogatory sense, whether before the advent of Prophet Muhammad (s), after the conversion of Hindu King Chakrawati Farmas (of Malabar, located on the southwest coast of India) to Islam during the lifetime of the Prophet, soon after the arrival of Muslims in India (711 CE) or sometime later. Mahrishi Vyasa, the compiler of the Puranas, has defined a wise Malechha as “a man of good actions, sharp intellect, spiritual eminence, and showing reverence to the deity (God).

Many Sanskrit words have borrowed from Arabic and Hebrew with a slight change as was shown in the examples of Brahma, Saraswati and Manu, and as indicated in Table 2 below. It appears that this word is derived from the Hebrew word Ma-Hekha (), which means thy brethren (e.g., And he (Ishmael) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. Genesis 16:12; i.e., Ismaelites are the brethren of the Israelites). In the context of Biblical scriptures this word meant a descendant of Prophet Ismail (Ishmael), and it is well known that Muhammad (s) is a descendant of Prophet Ismail through his second son Kedar. Those who can read Arabic Script can easily see that a mistake in separating Ma from Hekha will produce a single word ‘Malhekha,’ and when adapted in another tongue like Sanskrit might sound like Malechha.

09:29 AM Feb 14 2009 |





Have you realized that Kalli is supposed to be 10th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

So if you say Mohamed is Kalki avatar, then it means Mohamed is god incarnation of God. 


04:33 PM Feb 14 2009 |




ha ha, what a site,

It says Brahma came from Abraham!!

and Saraswathi from sara!!

Brahma is central to Hindu philosophy, because Because Brahma is the god of creation.

let us take a look at the linguistic root of Brahma. The term Brah comes from the root Bri which means "to worship, to select, to surround". When an h is added to Bri it becomes Briha meaning to "increase, to grow". By addition of 'an', we have the word Brahman who in Hinduism is the Supreme God

Brahman is without form, without gender and cannot be plural.

When Brahman is imagined as a masculine being engaged in the act of creation, then it is called Brahma


The goddess Sarasvati was originally a personification of this river, but later developed an independent identity. and sarswathi river dried up 5000 years ago!!


04:51 PM Feb 14 2009 |




Also, the written form of Vedas came in  1300 BC, Till then it was orally handed down from generation to generation.

According to Hindu tradition, the Vedas are apauruṣeya "not of human agency" are supposed to have been directly revealed, and thus are called śruti ("what is heard")


05:01 PM Feb 14 2009 |




The origin of sanskrit can be traced back to 1500 BC

The pre-Classical form of Sanskrit is known as Vedic Sanskrit, with the language of the Rigveda being the oldest and most archaic stage preserved, its oldest core dating back to as early as 1500 BCE, qualifying Rigvedic Sanskrit as one of the oldest attestation of any Indo-Iranian language, and one of the earliest attested members of the Indo-European language family

where as Hebrew is approximately 2800 years old i.e. from 800 BC.  

And Arabic is a relativly new language with a 2000 year old history.

It would be stupid to say that "core" words of Sanskrit came from Arabic.

05:07 PM Feb 14 2009 |




Now coming to the first Post.

Kaliki will be Incarnation  of god and not prophet. there is difference between incarnation and prophet

06:32 PM Feb 14 2009 |




Now coming to the first Post.

Kalki will be Incarnation  of god and not prophet. there is difference between incarnation and prophet

Vishnu Purana does say that the Kalki Avatar:

  1. Exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma
  2. Is the beginning and the end
  3. Comprehends all things
  4. Will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent Brahmin of Sambhala village
  5. Will be endowed with the eight superhuman faculties

06:39 PM Feb 14 2009 |




No wonder muhammad was so perfect. He’s god himself. And many islamic preachers in indonesia were right then by addressing muhammad with “our lord” or “our majesty”. Great post. Really. Thanks for sharing.

06:51 PM Feb 14 2009 |




point 2

Birth place of Mohamed is Madina, Madina by any stretch of imagination is not an Island

point 3

This is an error in philology. In other words, if the names are literal, then they do not match. A servant of Vishnu would not be equivalent to a servant of Allah, unless one admits that Vishnu is Allah. 

point 4

In Vishnu Purana, nothing is mentioned about olives. as there is no equivalent word in Sanskrit for olive

point 5

 No, the Vishnu Purana clearly says "He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent brahmin of Sambhala village". Muhammad was not born in Sambhala village, he was born in Arabia, and no one has ever claimed that Muhammad came from a Brahmin family. Additionally, is there any objective reason to believe the Quaraysh to be more honorable than other clans

point 6

 The Purana says no such thing. Hindus believe that the Kalki Avatar is a god [Vishnu] who has been reincarnated 10 times and not a mere messenger. Muhammad claimed to be a messenger and would have been grossly offended by the suggestion that he was the incarnation of a Pagan god. There is a huge difference between the concept of Propethood in Islam and the concept of the Avatar in Hinduism and one cannot impose an Islamic meaning on a Hindu title

point 7

 Muhammad never traveled the whole world, he was reported to have traveled to the "farthest Masjid", although, according to Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasulullah, Muhammad's wife Aishah claimed that his body never left the bed that night. Incidentally, this story [the Miraj] is very similar to the story of Zoroaster's ascent into the seven heavens on a mythical beast called a "Gryphon".

point 8

he Kalki Avatar has, according to the Purana, "irresistible might" and is divine ["character of Brahma"]. Therefore, he does not need divine help, he provides divine help. 

point 9

 Nearly every hero in the ancient world used swords and horses, therefore, this criteria doesn't point out anyone in particular. However, some Hindus believe that the Kalki Avatar will be a machine-man, who will come to earth on a white horse with a blazing sword in his hands. This future incarnation of Vishnu will appear at the end of Kali Yuga (evil eon) and would solve the problem of Adharma (unrighteousness). He will punish all evil people in this world, destroy the world, and recreate a golden age of peace and harmony. Clearly, Muhammad did none of these things.


06:57 PM Feb 14 2009 |



United States

One thing I don't understand is why, if this man believes that Hindu scriptures foretell Muhammad, why is he still a Hindu, and not a Muslim.


I think this is some kind of joke that he is doing to make fun of Muslims.


On a more interesting (to me) note, I find this trend to promote the Vedas as "THE HINDU SCRIPTURES" to be very interesting.  In my opinion, it is a continuing process in the centralization of Indian religion to put more power in the hands of the Brahmans. 

10:12 PM Feb 14 2009 |