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Life Talk!

(( Lets share our Fav books ! shall we?! ))


United Arab Emirates

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .،’

Hello , Ciao

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الصورة كاملة.

ماهو أجمل كتاب قرأته !ولماذا هو برأيك جميل .،!؟.

What is the most beautiful book you have read! Why do you think it is beautiful.,.

Qual è il libro più bello che hai letto! Perché pensi che sia bello .,!?.

ماهو إسم الكتاب !؟! ماهو إسم الكاتب؟ ! من أين إشتريته! !

What is the name of the book!?! What is the name of the writer? ! Where you have purchased!

Qual è il nome del libro!?! Qual è il nome dello scrittore? ! Dove avete acquistato!

وماهي قصه وأهداف الكتاب { وذالك من خلال فهمك وقرائك للكتاب } .،’

What are story and the objectives of the book { Throughout the spectrum of understanding and reading the book{., '

Quali sono storia e gli obiettivi del libro
(In tutto lo spettro di comprensione e di leggere il libro)., '

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الصورة كاملة.

قال تعالى .،’ { اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ . خَلَقَ الْإِنْسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ . اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ . الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ . عَلَّمَ الْإِنْسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ } صدق الله العظيم .،’

He says., '(Read in the name of your Lord who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Generous. Taught by the pen. Taught man that which he did not know) ., '

Dice lui., '(Leggi nel nome del tuo Signore che ha creato. Egli ha creato l'uomo da un grumo. Leggi e il tuo Signore è più generosi. Insegnato con la penna. Insegnato all'uomo ciò che non sapeva).,'

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الصورة كاملة.

القرائه هي أساس من أسس الحياه .،’ والأيه القرآنيه خير دليل على ذالك .،’
لهذا دعونا نتشارك الكتب التي قرآناها .،’ سواء أكانت عربيه أم أجنبيه .،’ دعونا نتشارك أفكارها ! أهدافها ! وكذالك محورها !

Reading is one of the basis of the foundations of life., 'And verse is the best evidence of this.,'
So let us share the books that we read., 'Whether Arab or foreign.,' Let's share ideas! Its goal! , And also to people-centered.

La lettura è uno di base dei fondamenti della vita., 'E versi è la prova migliore di questo.,'
Cerchiamo quindi di condividere i libri che leggiamo., 'Sia arabi o stranieri.,' Le idee Let's share! Il suo obiettivo! , E anche per le persone centrato.

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الصورة كاملة.

ولنبدأ ذالك من خلال الجواب على الأسئله المطروحه التي قد بدأت بها في بدايه موضوعي البسيط!.،’

Let's start by answering the questions that have been asked in the begining of the topic.

Cominciamo dal rispondere alle domande che sono state poste all'inizio del tema.

ولكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير على قرائه الموضوع .،

Thank you for reading the topic .,

Grazie per aver letto l'argomento.,

ملاحظه : ليس هناك أي حدود لكمية الكتب التي تحبون أن تشاركونا فيها .،’ فشاركونا بقدر ماتحبون .،

Note: There is no limit to the amount of books that you would like to share with us ., Share us as much as you like.,

Nota: Non c'è limite alla quantità di libri che si desidera condividere con noi., Condividi noi quanto ti piace.,

This topic is written by " Vip Groovy Girl "
Date… 13/1/2010
Translated by.. " Vip Groovy Girl "

03:11 PM Jan 14 2010 |

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United Arab Emirates

btw, u can share us ur fav books in both languages { your own language + English language }. Because that will give us many benefits, one of them learning at least some of your language _

03:16 PM Jan 14 2010 |




"How to lose weight in 20 days?", "101 ways to attract a girl", "Java Unleashed", "C++ at your footsteps", Others censored

03:25 PM Jan 14 2010 |


United Arab Emirates

Hi, Ryo, ok when u finish reading at least one then come back here and share us the book, we will be waiting u.

Good luck with reading.

03:28 PM Jan 14 2010 |


United Arab Emirates

  اقتباسماهو أجمل كتاب قرأته !ولماذا هو برأيك جميل .،!؟.
حاليا أنا قريت كتاب إسمه Studio Five ~ حلو لأنه مشوق .،’ والأحداث الى فيه
حلوه .. وكل جابتر الصراحه مشوق أكثر عن الى قبله ,.،’ فها إلى محلي الكتاب .،’

اقتباسWhat is the most beautiful book you have read! Why do you think it is beautiful.,.
For the moment a book called Studio Five, and I think it is a good book
because it is exciting book and the chapters of the book are full of excitement

اقتباسQual è il libro più bello che hai letto! Perché pensi che sia bello .,!?.
Per il momento un libro chiamato Studio Cinque, e penso che sia un buon libro
perché libro è entusiasmante e capitoli del libro sono piene di emozioni

اقتباسماهو إسم الكتاب !؟! ماهو إسم الكاتب؟ ! من أين إشتريته! !

Studio Five, والكاتب .،’ Anthony Manning and Illustrated by James Wetherall, وربيعتيه عطتني اياه .،’

اقتباسWhat is the name of the book!?! What is the name of the writer? ! Where you have purchased!

Studio Five, by .،’ Anthony Manning and Illustrated by James Wetherall, and my freind had given it to me.

اقتباسQual è il nome del libro!?! Qual è il nome dello scrittore? ! Dove avete acquistato!

Studio Cinque, da., 'Anthony Manning e illustrato da James Wetherall, e il mio amico aveva dato a me.

اقتباسوماهي قصه وأهداف الكتاب { وذالك من خلال فهمك وقرائك للكتاب } .،’
القصه ترمس عن وحده اسمها في فريند .،’ في تشتغل في استديو فايف .،’ المهم جيسن هيل
الى هو مديرها فالشغل يباها تييب افكار حق البرنامج لأنه البرنامج صار شبه ممل وجي .،’ وهي
تقدم برنامج إسمه " فريندز أور " ساعه الأصدقاء .،’ المهم واحد اسمه سايمون اتصل ع البرنامج
وكان حزين وشايل هموم الدنيا بسبه إنه امه ماخبرته عن أبوه الأصلي .،’ وهو إكتشف عن أبوه من بعد
سنين وبالغلط اكتشف هالشي ! يوم لقه رسايل من أبوه الأصلي جيف حق أمه .، طبعا عصب وحالته حاله وطلع برع البيت
وسايمون عمره 25 سنه .،’ طبعا في فريند يالها فضول من عقب ماتصلت عليها أم سايمون تبه مساعدتها وجي .،’
وحزتها بدت في فريند إدور على سايمون بمساعده ربيعها الى هو وينج .،’

اقتباسWhat are story and the objectives of the book { Throughout the spectrum of understanding and reading the book{., '
The whole story is talking about a girl called Fay Freind, she works at Studio Five at a show called Freinds' Hour, anyway, there is someone who called Jason and he is Fay's boss at job, he wants her to think about some ideas for the job . However, there was someone who called Simon, who called the show and was so sad during his call. He was angry and mad because his mother didn't tell him about his real father Geoff , and Simon found about his father by mistake when he found some letters which was sent by Geoff to Simon's mother. So he got angry and mad and went away from home. So, Simon's mother called Fay Freind asking her her help. And Fay started her journey to find Simon.

اقتباسQuali sono storia e gli obiettivi del libro
(In tutto lo spettro di comprensione e di leggere il libro)., '

Tutta la storia parla di una ragazza di nome Fay Amico, lavora presso lo Studio Cinque a uno spettacolo chiamato ore Freinds ', comunque, c'è qualcuno che ha chiamato Jason ed è capo di Fay a lavoro, che vuole a pensare di alcune idee per il lavoro. Tuttavia, c'era qualcuno che ha chiamato Simon, che ha chiamato la mostra ed è stato così triste, durante la sua chiamata. Era arrabbiato e folle, perché sua madre non raccontargli il suo vero padre Geoff, e Simon trovato di suo padre per errore, quando ha trovato alcune lettere che è stato inviato da Geoff alla madre di Simon. Così si arrabbiava e pazzo e se ne andò da casa. Così, la madre di Simone chiama Fay amico chiedendole il suo aiuto. E Fay ha iniziato il suo viaggio per trovare Simon.

03:36 PM Jan 14 2010 |


United Arab Emirates

Ok, Java

Is this is a book or what ? C++ at your footsteps",?

10:00 PM Jan 14 2010 |


United Arab Emirates

Thanks a lot Mr. Bond for sharing us ur book. I would recommend you to answer ther Q above at least to those who do not know about the Quran, so they will have a little clue about it through ur answers = D

03:09 AM Jan 15 2010 |


United Arab Emirates

Right now I'm reading a book called Can't Get Through 8 Barriers to Communication, by Kevin Hogan and Ron Stubbs. When I finish each chapter I will share you the content of each part.

03:05 PM Jan 15 2010 |

Whitney S

Whitney S


This is a very good topic. I'm applauding Vip Groovy girl!

I really like the books that Paulo Coelho writes. He is a brazilian writter. My favorite book is ''Eleven minutes'', which relates the story of a girl who goes to Europe with certain goals but when she gets there her plans change into others. That trip brings her diferent things to her life, and the fact of becoming a prostitute lets her know the diferent problems that life brings to people's life.

She gets to find the real love and gets to know the importance of it, wich is much more than just spending Eleven minutes on bed with her lover. That is why the book has that title.


One of my other favorite books ever is ''the power of the subconscious mind''. I found it on the bookcase of my house and I said to myself: ''Mmm I wonder what this book is about''. So I decided to read it and I realized I had found a treasure, for real!!!

05:47 AM Jan 16 2010 |


United Arab Emirates

You know Whitney S, I'm now excited to read ''Eleven minutes'' I think the description which you had described the book by made the story worth to read. I will try to find that book on stors or order it online, and I will try to read it right after I finish from the book which I'm reading now.


Thanks a lot 4 sharing your fav books. Smile 

07:44 PM Jan 16 2010 |

Whitney S

Whitney S


I am glad you would like to read it, Vip Groovy girl Smile 

And I wanna thank You for choosing such an interesting topic. Take care!

08:22 AM Jan 17 2010 |