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Present Perfect Tense

Date: Sep 05 2011

Themes: News, Weather

Grammar: Present Perfect Tense


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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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Water covers over 70% of the Earth and makes up more than 60% of the human body. So how can it be that so many places on the planet do not have enough water?

Even though there is a lot of water on the planet, only about 1% of that water is drinkable. Unfair or poor management of the Earth’s water resources makes it even more scarce in many parts of the world.

In times of drought, the lack of water is even greater. During the summer, when there is less rain and higher temperatures, many areas experience drought and need to find ways to conserve water. Hear Jason and Amy talk about the water shortage in Jason’s home state.

地球上,70% 多的面积都被水覆盖,人体所含水分超过 60%。但是为什么地球上很多地方还是缺水呢?
尽管地球上有很多水,但是可饮用水大约仅占 1%。对水资源的不合理利用或缺乏管理导致很多地区更加缺水。旱季时,缺水现象更加严重。在夏季,当降雨量小,并且伴随高温天气时,很多地区都会经历干旱,需要寻找存水的方法。请听詹森和艾米谈论詹森家乡缺水的事情。


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Jason:  My parents live in New Mexico, and it recently rained for the first time this year.

Amy:  Wow. What?

Jason:  Yeah.

Amy:  Oh my gosh. Is there a huge drought there?

Jason:  Definitely. There’s kind of always been a drought there, like as long as I’ve been alive. But it’s exceptionally bad this year.

Amy:  So how is that affecting people? Is it difficult to get water, or are people being advised to try to conserve water?

Jason:  Definitely there’s a big campaign to conserve water. You know, everything from reducing your toilet flow to, like, people are…I think there’s only certain days you’re allowed to water your lawn, and only certain times.

Amy:  Right. Well, that takes a ton of water.

Jason:  Yeah. It’s not so bad, like you can still get drinking water and stuff. There’s underground water. But I guess that won’t last forever.

Amy:  It’s so funny, because I think there’s a lot less usable water out there than we think.

Jason:  Oh my gosh, yeah, it’s crazy. And it’s such a fragile system, like once it gets polluted it kind of never gets out of it. It’s a big problem. People are saying that, you know, energy was the crisis of the last century and sort of continues to be, but that water is going to be the crisis of the next century. And that is kind of scary, since we don’t need energy to live, whereas we do need water.

Amy:  Great, something else to worry about.


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Jason is from New Mexico, a state that gets very little rain. It recently rained in his hometown for the first time all year!

Like many other places around the world, Jason’s hometown is experiencing a drought. Because there is a shortage of water, people are doing different things to conserve, like watering their lawns less.

Amy and Jason agree that water shortage is a big problem. In the future it could get even worse. For that reason, it’s important to conserve.

Is there a water shortage where you live? What can people do to conserve water?



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Today people fight for petroleum, tomorrow they will fight for water!

11:11 AM Sep 05 2011 |




Abundant water is of major significance to peoples lives. We should learn how to use it in good ways as to not waste this precious resource since plentiful supplies of water promotes people’s esteem and lifestyle. Once these facts become well known most of us will try harder to conserve.

In my hometown there are droughts several times of year, particularly in the summer. A deficiency of water is frequently a huge problem to many people in my country every year.

Of course contaminants can lead to pollution of water supplies and can be costly and difficult to remove. Polluted water supplies have an adverse affect on human health. The long term hurt caused by polluted water may never really be known.

Someday in the future, I hope that a cheap, clean energy source will come into being. When that happens we can desalinate as much water as needed from the earth’s oceans. Till that day arrives we need to protect all of our fresh water supplies. Water is the elixir of life; it needs to be cherished, preserved and protected.

11:01 AM Sep 05 2011 |



our lexistence on earth depends on water, we need to be conscious to preserve it and not waste it , we have to stop being selfish and think of the future generations.

09:17 AM Sep 05 2011 |

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Water is a gift from God. Water is one of the essentialities of life. It is most important for sustaining life. life without water cannot be imagined; not only for human beings but also for every other form of life. 

“We made from water every living thing”(Qur’an 21:30).

there are countries are rich of rivers and water sourcers but there are not whatever water should be saved and not harmed in any way , wastage water is not good even if we are at a flowing river. 

There’s kind of always been a drought and shortage of water in my hometown . It’s exceptionally bad at the last years .

people are doing different things to conserve water, like growing plants need alittle of water, there are only certain days we’re allowed to water our lawn, and we’re taking a shower instead of a bath..  

08:57 AM Sep 05 2011 |



Saudi Arabia

yea not much.

05:39 AM Sep 05 2011 |




I think we do have enough clean water on the earth but we usually lose it becouse of the lack of the wise mangement

for example water that accumulate around the freezing regions could be somehow convert into liquid drinkable water and deliver it to the drought regions who will gratefully satisfy their water shortage besides saving the earth from the dangerouse earthquakes and tornadoes that ferquently hit those freezing regions

03:49 AM Sep 05 2011 |




In my contry , Brazil , we don´t have  so much problems about shortage , we have so much drinkable water .

01:28 AM Sep 05 2011 |




water  is  worth  ,  we  have  to  learn  how  to   keep  it in use  as  much  as  we  can  , the  huge pollution  is  main  reason  of  shortage  of  water  because   polluted water is  undrinkable  and  cant  be  used  for  plant  or  watering

there  is  no  drought  in  the  place  where  i  live  .  becuase   there  are  so  many  water  resource  , for  example  sea  ,  river  ,  underground  water  , and  we  do  have  rules    to  save  the  water

people  should  be  conscious  about  the  importance  of  water  and  must  be  aware  how  is  the necessary    to  conserve water 

01:14 AM Sep 05 2011 |




nowadays water is considered a commodity, think how much we are paying for bottled water and what people are  shelling out  each month  for  the use of it. 

01:56 AM Sep 03 2011 |

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