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Learn English meaning of foodies

Date: Apr 05 2019

Themes: Food


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Everyone eats! But some people like to explore and find different kinds of foods to try more than others. Foodies are obsessed with finding new dishes to try and eating at trendy restaurants.

Foodies want to know everything about what they will eat, from where the ingredients came from to how the meal is cooked. Eating a meal can be an interesting experience when you think about all of the work and people involved in making the dishes.


trendy adj.


Example Some of the trendy restaurants in Los Angeles are very expensive.

explore v.


Example Jeff will explore the different kinds of vegetables he can plant by reading about it.

obsess v.


Example I don't think it's good for children to have parents who obsess over them all the time.

dish n.


Example What is your favorite dish? I like mashed potatoes the most.

ingredient n.


Example In my mom's french onion soup, the most important ingredient is cheese.

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Are you a foodie? Do you like to try new dishes?


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i am not a foodie, i like eat and eat too much, the good thing is that i am not fat

12:50 PM Apr 08 2015 |

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Syrian Arab Republic


10:55 PM Apr 07 2015 |

La Princesse de la vie


Shoba, if it’s a rule, then you’re an exception to it :)) And it seems it’s not you only, there are many big foodies here :))

06:12 PM Apr 07 2015 |

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I hope I do not spoil things for you guys! :) I do have a huge problem with this here so often used f-word. I know slang words are proudly used and they have a life of their own. I just don’t know why I have this big dislike for what I find a rather demeaning term  for something as nice as eating. I for sure will not add it to my vocabulary let alone use it to label myself as a conscious eater :))

03:03 PM Apr 07 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Ola, is it true that the pepper effect on your nose! and it make you laugh very loud!

Or maybe you mean it makes you sneeze very loud?

One of the pepper effect is lots of sneezing, it is terrible, nevertheless I often want to try pepper!  

01:46 PM Apr 07 2015 |

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Sri Lanka

Hi Princesse,

I have also heard this concept.

Sometimes I feel sad when I think of my pet dog which died when I was 12 years old. Other than that, I’m a very happy person. LOL

07:45 AM Apr 07 2015 |




S11211s, the pepper I tried doesn’t effect the stamoch, but the nose. It’s very funny feeling after eating it:))) it reminded me about itself the whole day:)) and made me laugh very loud in the car:)) that the drivers looked at me very strangly. Looks like I’m a foodie since for the first time tasted bravely unknown product. :))

12:38 AM Apr 07 2015 |

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Wow, I didn’t know about the word foodie, but now that I’m aware of what means, I can sey that I’m not a foodie person. I like food, but I’m more like Sara, I would be open to try new dishes but I’m not sure If that would please me. Maybe one day I may try it.

11:14 PM Apr 06 2015 |




Today’s lesson was very interesting. There are a lot of foodies in my word, but most of foodies just like experience different dishs. I think foodies’s title is who can cook gourment food which they had experience testing.

10:47 PM Apr 06 2015 |

La Princesse de la vie


Shoba, you must be troubled with a lot of problems in your life. They say sad people eat a lot, but it’s just a hypothesis :))

09:04 PM Apr 06 2015 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hey !

Im not a foodie ..but i try new dishes whenever i feel like it.

07:48 PM Apr 06 2015 |



Sri Lanka

Dear Julito,

What my mother says is true. I’m not a person who eats to live like our friend La Princesse from Egypt. I’m someone who lives to eat. 

Take care! 

La Princesse de la vie


Umm, I’m a bit like Sara, I like to stick to the traditional dishes I’m used to, and I mostly like comfort foods that don’t require time or any complications to be made.

And I’m not a foodie. I’m usually open to try new things, but not when it comes to foods.

For me, food is here to build our bodies and give us power when it’s burned inside the stomach xD And a typical meal is that one gives me calcium, protein and vitamins all together :)) So, I’m that person that eats to live and remain energized..

04:25 PM Apr 06 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Dear ola it is intresting to know you have ginger in your bag all of the time! I also have the ginger in my bag evey where! Ginger is very good for every purpose!

I do like to try all kind of pepper if my stomach let me to try! Because pepper isn’t good for my stomach!

02:34 PM Apr 06 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I am not foodies, and I can’t eat every food. I like to eat same comfort foods all the time. Befor I eat a new food, I should know the ingredients and how that is cooked? 

But that is not meen I don’t like new foods, I am open to trying new foods! new resturants, of course not every food!

01:55 PM Apr 06 2015 |




Dear Julito, Ginco Biloba is my lover that gives me longetivity, good mood and circulation.
Miss Supplement

01:16 PM Apr 06 2015 |

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Ana Torres


I have a favourite restaurant which is near my house. I go there with my friends almost every week.

They serve all kinds of food. What I really like about this place is that the food is delicious. No matter if you order meat or fish. I can’t get enough!

12:54 PM Apr 06 2015 |




Iam a foodie I love to try differents dishes but dishes with normal ingredinets not as what julito friend eat OH my God that was really disgusting.

I cook many different dishes and a love to try to make new good dishes specially the teasty dishes from another countries. And to my opinion if the person is not foodie how can be there many great dishes in the world :-p :)))

12:53 PM Apr 06 2015 |




Dear Shoba, if what you said about your mom is true, I would like to meet her to tell me stories about Shoba. Jejeje Dear OLA, with your permission I would like to change your name from OLA to Miss Supplement. I am sure that Gingko Biloba is also in your cabinet .

10:32 AM Apr 06 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I become totally regretful whenever I order a new dish!I don’t stand a good chance of choosing a new delicious dish:(

09:16 AM Apr 06 2015 |

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