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What does "quirky" mean?

Vocabulary Word: quirky

1. Definition (adj.) weird, funny, silly

Examples She always wore a quirky outfit when she went dancing with us.

Examples My new dog is really quirky. She likes to lick my toes!

Examples My friend Molly has a quirky taste in clothes. Sometimes she will wear stripes with solids or prints.

Examples Samantha has a quirky sense of humor – she laughs at things that other people don’t think are funny.

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Yes, Mahtab, the father was a very suspicious guy. Interesting, being a special agent, he was using a lie dector machine. It’s quirky. Well, being quirky, a father, influenced a poor guy, his daughter’s boyfriend, to a quirky behaviour as well. A guy was trying so hard to be liked, but, alas, he ended up pretty quirky and with this in a blacklist. In reality the guy was an angel! Well, quirky a little bit, like all of us, but an angel.

The bottom line: Don’t prove your unquirkiness as it will always turned out to be an opposite.

Yep, life is quirky;)

02:14 AM Jan 19 2013 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I think his girlfrind’s father was quirky too!:))

01:27 PM Jan 18 2013 |




The first time i heard about this word is in ‘Meet the Parents; movie

Just try not to flush the toilet, okay? It’s always a little quirky.

12:01 PM Jan 18 2013 |

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