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What does "get in shape" mean?

Vocabulary Word: get in shape

1. Definition (expr.) make body more beautiful; bring body to peak physical condition; get stronger, become physically strong; get in good physical condition
(Most people get in shape by exercising and eating healthy foods.)

Examples “I need to get in shape. I feel fat and sick. I’m going to start exercising every day. I’m sure that will make me feel better.”

Examples “I used to be in terrible shape, but I started working out three times a week, and now I’m feeling really good!”

Examples “My brother wants to get in shape for basketball. He’s running every day and lifting weights to get stronger.”

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2. Definition (expr.) become physically healthy

Examples I am trying to get in shape because my high school reunion is coming up in a few weeks.

Examples If you want to get in shape, eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.

Examples It isn’t easy to get in shape, but it will make you feel better and live longer.

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