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What does "a ton" mean?

Vocabulary Word: a ton

1. Definition (expr.) a lot, many
(A ton is 2,000 pounds, which is very heavy. So, when someone says there is a ton of something, it means there is a lot of it.)

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2. Definition (expr.) a lot, many (A ton is 2,000 pounds, which is very heavy. So, when someone says there is a ton of something, it means there is a lot of it.)

Examples That rock weighs a ton! You
can’t lift it. It’s too heavy.

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3. Definition (adj.) a lot, many

Examples There were a ton of people at the wedding yesterday. It must have been so expensive!

Examples There were a ton of people at the wedding yesterday. It must have been so expensive!

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4. Definition (n.) a lot, many(A ton is 2,000 pounds, which is very heavy. So, when someone says there is a ton of something, it means there is a lot of it.)

Examples That rock weighs a ton! You
can’t lift it. It’s too heavy.

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5. Definition (n.) slang for many; a lot

Examples My mom baked a ton of cookies. Have as many as you like.

Examples My mom baked a ton of cookies. Have as many as you like.

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La Princesse de la vie


You have a ton of good things in your life to be happy.

05:21 PM Mar 27 2015 |

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