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August 16, 2012

 I introduse some Taiwanese food for you. Why I want to introduce Taiwanese food ?  I think Taiwan has many delicious food. I want to know more about it. Many kinds of delicious food also reprevent our abundant culture.

Like our night market  , it has a lot of delicious food.

 Oyster, a common food you can see in night market,. It is a delicious traditional dessert. People in Taiwan are all familier with.


Stinky tofu, although it smells strange , but it eats very delicious. Don’t forget to introduce foreigners to eat it.

Pig’s Blood Cake, it is recently voted as one of the world’s top ten strangest foods. Do you agree it ?

Pearl milk tea, a strange mixture of eating and drinking.It reprevents our  creativity  to create food. Many people around the world drink it.

Night market has so many delicious food, I can’t introduce all of it.

Some traditional food may has its special meaning.People eat it in some special festival.

Koah Pau,people traditional eat it at year-end dinner party. Look at its special shape, it is very similiar to the wallet. People eat it as a symbol of makeing a lot of money and praying for health.

Dumplings,  people eat it on Dragon Boat Festival . Traditionally , people make it and throw it into the Miluo(汨羅江). It is a symbol of prevert the fish to eat Qu Yuan’s body.

yeah~I lve it all )))

What do you think?Which one do you like?or know more interesting food,to share with us.

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