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Where Does Antisemitism Come From?




Recently a user who named himself “i hate israel” got banned from this website, because of the antisemitic things he posted in here. The following is more or less the same text I once posted in one of his racist forums. It already explains what was the content of his forum message:

i hate isr

United States

You are US-American and you dislike the Israeli people for being involved in wars?

It goes without saying that this wasn’t meant to be a discrimination against US-American citizens, – after all I’m German – but rather an indication to the fact that every country’s history has its dark and its bright moments.

You consider it to be a good thing that Hitler committed this genocide, because “the world doesn’t need” the Jews?

If the fact that we don’t need somebody justified the crimes the nazis did, we shouldn’t punish any murderer at all, because the world doesn’t really depend on the individual he murdered. Then it even is okay when unborn children get aborted or murdered right after their birth, because humanity was able to survive without them for millions of years. Oh…And by the way: Why don’t we murder all US-citizens then? We don’t need them, because firstly they lost some of their power during the last few years and although they still are considered to be a superpower it’s easy to replace them by another superpower – like China for example.

I know what I say here is cruel, but I just try to explain why your theory doesn’t make much sense to me.

->Now to my actual question: What do you think where antisemitism comes from?

04:41 PM Mar 27 2011 |

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Muslims invaded India and litrally killed millions(some say it is holocaust), do does that mean I hate today’s muslim?  There has been 4 wars between India and pakistan. does that mean I hate all Pakistani’s?


Incase if you have not realised, Muslims are the new jews of europe. It is more due to cultural clash(read about sharia zone in UK). Once Muslims(or any other religion) become a sizeable number, they become valuble vote banks of parties, which try to apease them example being: passing sharia law in India. Though India is called a “secular” country, it has communal laws. Muslims follow sharia derieved, which is formed by All india muslims personal law board. and Govt has no control over it.

Also please do remember that vast number of jews in Israel are decendents of people who were kicked out of Arab countries. Arab jews once held, 5 times the land of today’s Israel in arab countries, which was confescated by Arab govts.   

04:40 PM Jul 30 2011 |




javamanju and arabhamid

You say that in Europe Muslims have started to replace Jews as a target for racism, intolerance and exclusion and I couldn’t agree more. I remember how once someone said that meanwhile you can’t say anything about Jews (in Germany) without having to fear that someone may accuse you of being a nationalsocialist, while bullying Muslims has become normal. Some say that the number of crimes being based on antisemitism has increased during the last few years, but still I think that Islamophobia meanwhile is more usual than antisemitism.

Yes, there may be something true about it. However I don’t give that much about whether the person getting bullied is a Jew or a Muslim. Nobody has the right to harm either of them! Apart from that: Let’s pretend the person who posted this forum was Muslim…Then this theory means that there may also have been some jealousy included when he decided to tell people to boycott Jewish products. Jealous always is condemnable, since you should at least try to control your jealous thoughts! As I said before I couldn’t blame him if he wanted people to boycott products from the state Israel, but wanting hundreds of Jews to go insolvent is nothing but antisemitism if you ask me.

05:18 PM Jul 30 2011 |





As I said before this was my answer to both of you! In this message I didn’t just give a response to what you said, but also to what javamanju said. I apologize for not pointing that out clearly!

09:32 AM Jul 31 2011 |




The following quotes are from Harald Parigger’s novel “Im Schatten des schwarzen Todes” ( In the Shadow of the Black Death ). As you may know “black death” is a synonym for the plague of the Middle Ages. Anyway I apologize, but according to what I’ve heard this book isn’t available in any language but German. Anyway these quotes deal with antisemitism:

“While his outlines became dimly in the dark she wondered what allegedly was different about Jews; what supposedly made this tiny boy who was cold different from her own grandson.”

“Isn’t our God your God?!” ( a Christian to a Jew )

 ”...and still she never got the chance of having any influence over her life just as a Jew couldn’t influence his destiny – namely to be a Jew.”

04:53 PM Sep 10 2011 |




Today the German newspaper ”Ärzteblatt” briefly mentioned the Israeli lawyer Raji Sourani when they were talking about another gentleman who also recently won the Nobel Peace Prize. Many anti semitic people hate Jews because they don’t approve what Israel does.

This article however proves that there is a difference between the state of Israel and the individual Jew – just as there is a difference between the actions of the state of Israel and those of the individual Israeli citizen.

Raji Sourani once was Vice President of the International Federation of Human Rights. He is the founder and remains the director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights – a human rights organization. Sourani was active in monitoring the conditions of Israeli prisons and detentions. He criticizes the fact that there is violation of human rights on both sides – in Israel as well as in Palestine. He should know! He lives in the Gaza Strip.

07:08 PM Sep 29 2013 |




The newspaper “Welt” published a statistic according to which antisemitism increases in all of the EU. According to this statistic France definetly is nr. 1 of the most antisemite members of the European Union ( tendency: increasing), while Great Britain has the lowest number of violent acts against Jews.

By the way my own country – Germany – holds place number three of the least antisemite counties in the EU, which is a good thing considering that less than 7ß years ago antisemitism was one of the most common things in Germany – with the genocide of Jews between 1933 and 1945 being only the “peak of the iceberg”.

01:06 PM Nov 08 2013 |




According to “Domradio” an increasing number of racially motivated attacks on Jews in all of Europe now makes many European Jews worry. According to a poll – I don’t remember where they got these statistics from – many of them even think about migration.

It’s such a shame since Judaism is such a wonderful religion and it presented us with so many culturally- and historically-important people, like Isidor and Ida Strauss, Szpielman, Mendelssohn, Anne Frank, Levi Strauss, Philipp Mueller etc. and just last Saturday the newspaper “Jüdische Allgemeine” even published an article about an Israeli gentleman named Elie Klein who duing the last three years did a beneficial competion during which he collected 142.000 Israeli Shekel which he donated to about 130 international organizations.

12:59 PM Dec 10 2013 |




According to the German newspaper “Focus” violent attacks against Jews that definetly were motivated by antisemitism increase in France and thus in 2013 thousands of Jewish citizens fled this country. Now that France receives more and more international criticism Hollande decided to react. Now there will be a new law that bans antisemitism from the French cultural life.

11:16 AM Jan 11 2014 |




The radio station “Domradio” says that violence against Jews recently has worsened in the Ukraine. They say that not too many weeks ago rebellious groups even burned down a synagogue and that ever since then the masses of emigrating Ukrainian Jews has increased rapidly.

09:12 PM Feb 28 2014 |




The newspaper “Süddeutsche Zeitung” says that a court in Rome decided that Italian former forced laborers and convicts of concentration camps who once worked for Nazi-Germany – most of said Italian forced laborers and convicts were Jewish – should get the right to sue Germany for damages right in front of said Italian court. Until then things were solved in a different and more complex way – by bringing issues like these to an international court. Still the rest of the procedure remains more or less the same. The only chance they have at getting said recompensation is by proving that they used to be laborers who were forced to work for the Germans – which many of course can’t prove as they of course never received any document defining them as forced laborers.

06:53 PM Oct 24 2014 |