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Life Talk!

Where Does Antisemitism Come From?




Recently a user who named himself “i hate israel” got banned from this website, because of the antisemitic things he posted in here. The following is more or less the same text I once posted in one of his racist forums. It already explains what was the content of his forum message:

i hate isr

United States

You are US-American and you dislike the Israeli people for being involved in wars?

It goes without saying that this wasn’t meant to be a discrimination against US-American citizens, – after all I’m German – but rather an indication to the fact that every country’s history has its dark and its bright moments.

You consider it to be a good thing that Hitler committed this genocide, because “the world doesn’t need” the Jews?

If the fact that we don’t need somebody justified the crimes the nazis did, we shouldn’t punish any murderer at all, because the world doesn’t really depend on the individual he murdered. Then it even is okay when unborn children get aborted or murdered right after their birth, because humanity was able to survive without them for millions of years. Oh…And by the way: Why don’t we murder all US-citizens then? We don’t need them, because firstly they lost some of their power during the last few years and although they still are considered to be a superpower it’s easy to replace them by another superpower – like China for example.

I know what I say here is cruel, but I just try to explain why your theory doesn’t make much sense to me.

->Now to my actual question: What do you think where antisemitism comes from?

04:41 PM Mar 27 2011 |

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 While according to “Domradio” many Catholic messes are about the “German Reunion” now, my friend Myriam and I – as every year since we first met – attended the traditional “Reichsprogromnacht-Mass” in the “Stiftskirche” on November 19th. After all said “Reichsprogromnacht” was horrible in all of Germany, but I don’t think there is any other city where the destruction caused by non-Jewish Germans is still visible today. The minister said that there once had been a synagogue in Tübingen which they had destroyed back then and nobody had ever bothered to finance a rebuilding of this house of God. Plus he also reminded us that that night many Jewish cultural goods got lost forever when national socialist Germans threw them into the “Neckar”. He said that if we were going to stand on the “Neckarbrücke” after this church service for a while we all should remind ourselves that 76 years ago probably a national socialist had stood at exactly the same spot and had thrown the religious possessions of a Jew into the river right before deporting him to some concentration camp.

Also he said that even though the treatment of religious human beings in Germany has become better throughout the years – despite a recent case in which a Jewish US-American got beaten up by some adolescents in Cologne for racist reasons – many religious buildings and goods are still treated with disrespect in Germany, France and Belgium. In Germany for example many authorities see no need in keeping synagogues and churches – especially Roman-Catholic churches, since Roman-Catholics and Jews are a minority here anyway – intact as the number of people who leave church and refuse to pay church-taxes has increased recently.

09:11 PM Nov 09 2014 |