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Around the world are brothers

Yi Liu

Yi Liu


February 2, 2009

Beijing Impression of Spring Festival
Travel in Beijing

As the year 2008 of Rat is going and the year 2009 of Ox is coming, Beijing will soon be in Spring Festival fever again. As Chinese New Year is the time for family reunion in China, people living away will return home, just like Christmas in the West. Let’s take a look at the capital in Spring Festival fever — all around the city…

Impression 1: Red lanterns Everywhere
During Chinese New Year, Beijing is definitely in Spring Festival mode. Everything red… fitting for the capital of China! Big Red Lanterns are hung from the trees or out of buildings during the Chinese New Year celebrations everywhere in Beijing.

Impression 2: Spring Festival Couplets & Chinese Character "Fu"
During the Spring Festival of every year, all families in both urban and rural areas traditionally handpick a pair of Spring Festival couplets to paste on the door, adding some joyous atmosphere to the festival.

During the Spring Festival, every household usually sticks posters of various sizes bearing the Chinese character "Fu"(meaning "good fortune") on doors and walls. The character is a symbol of happiness, bliss and fortune. Sticking the poster upside down means the arrival of luck, happiness, and prosperity, because the Chinese word "Dao", or "upside down", sounds similar as "Dao", or "arrive".

February 1, 2009

I Can Speak Better Than Chinese Do
Foreigners in China
“She said that I spoke Chinese better than some Chinese people.” Rui Jiang Ming told me proudly. This compliment came from one of his Chinese friends while they were having lunch together. He said “I don’t know.” in Chinese which surprised his friends because his accent was nearly the same to those authentic Beijingers. When one of the Chinese girl were asked to pronounce the same sentence, he found that she cannot do the accent as he did, then he found out that some Chinese people from out of Beijing cannot do the Beijing accent as good as he did.

When I first met him, I translated one of the words in his name “ming” into tomorrow, but he insisted that it should be translated into brilliant even when I told him that they were the same word. But after I listened to his experience, I started to believe that brilliant is a perfect word to describe him. Rui Jiang Ming came from the capital city of People's Republic of Bangladesh Dhaka which is politic, economy and culture center of the nation. His first impression about a country named China came from a book. After reading it, he became curious about China. When he was in High School, his cousin came to Chinese to study Chinese. From the conversation with his cousin, he got the information that China is developing very quickly these years and there were many foreign student study Chinese in many big cities in China. Ever since then, the urge to go to Chinese has become more and more strong. Later, when he knew that the University of Dhaka which is the best university throughout Bangladesh offered Chinese class and there was a chance that you can go to China as an exchange student, he signed up for the program without any hesitated.

11:48 PM Apr 21 2010


Younger Chinese,  which was fuounded in 2010 by Matai Tianshi Investment Foundation,  is a Chinese-learning project for foreigners to learn Chinese.

With the popularity of Chinese learning and the ending of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, China has become a focus for more and more intent gazes, thus, the mysterious Chinese language and its culture attract a great number of foreigners who are thronging into China and learning its language.

China is not only the best place for foreigners to learn Chinese, but also where to get the best Chinese teachers. In order to carry foward Chinese culture and help foreigners learn Chinese much better and more accurately, Matai Tianshi Investment Foundation starts the “Younger Chinese Project”---- employing most qualified teachers to teach foreign friends Chinese.

Younger Chinese include curricula like Younger Adult Chinese Courses,Younger Teen ager Chinese Courses,Younger Kids Chinese Courses and other special courses about Chinese culture.All courses are tailored to foreigners. Our “Younger Chinese Project” has covered many countries including some English-speaking countries like Austrilia, America, Canada and so on, as well as some Asian countries, such as Japan, Korea and Tailand.We are aiming at spreading the ancient and mysterious Chinese culture all around the world.

Free chinese level test, personalized learning program designing, one-by-one or many-by-one teaching mode, true VIP teaching, multi-media interactive learning, course consultant tracking,lifetime free guidance……

Younger Chinese,with the full support of Success Younger Language Institute,will surely provide the best courses for foreigners who are intersted in China and Chinese!

MSN: youngerchinese@hotmail.comICQ:623901416QQ:190145759                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tel:+86-532-83028395You can visit our websitehttp://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1713675307

If you want to join our school to learn Chinese, please register, please send your nationality, name, phone, mail, your Chinese level, what time we can get in touch with your by e-mail  to us, we will as soon as possible You get in touch.Thanks.



We will develop a specific learning programs according to your Chinese language level , the price is based on learning program development, and are generally 18 dollars per hour.



February 1, 2009

 春节英语词句:English for Spring Festeval
  过年 celebrate the spring festival  

  春联 spring festival couplets

  剪纸 paper-cuts

  年画 new year paintings

  买年货 do shopping for the spring festival ; do spring festival shopping

  敬酒 propose a toast

  灯笼 lantern 

  烟花 fireworks

  爆竹 firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)

  压岁钱 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the   coming year.) 

  舞狮 lion dance (the lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)

  舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)

  戏曲 traditional opera

  杂耍 variety show 

  灯谜 riddles written on lanterns

  灯会 lanterns show

  守岁 staying-up

  拜年 pay new year‘s call; give new year‘s greetings; pay new year‘s visit

  禁忌 taboo

  去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune

  祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one‘s ancestors

  压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift