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My name is Ling




January 12, 2011

The weather this year in my province is a bit crazy.  The freezing days has lasted for more than 1 month now. 

I've caught a cold 2 days ago, it gets worse today, I could hardly breath, does it sound crazy ? My head aches, my ears hurt, and have fever, I feel so unwell.

The cold weather also caused coldblains on my hands, I have never had this. It hurts a lot.

Really look forward to spring. 

January 10, 2011

He is a very bad man.

What he has done effects my life so much, I will have problems to trust in most of the men.

But, I have to be strong, I have to know how to protect my heart, and believe everything will be alright.


I got a pay raise 2 days ago and I think it means my company likes me. I am a good worker.

I just need to keep who I am and always believe I will have a bright future.


05:32 AM Jan 11 2011


good to hear your pay raised, good luck to you,by the way, not all men are bad man.

09:01 AM Jan 10 2011


Yes u should keep who u r ,, and be ur Self no matter what Happeneds .. 

and keep it As Strong As u r =)


January 8, 2011

Today I learned some more new words, today is also a very sunny day.

How nice life is !