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Ahmad El Nasser

Syrian Arab Republic

August 14, 2010

I've known a riddle for nearly 8 years,and i don't now the answer for it.If anyone can help me, please help me.Here it is the riddle mentioned before:

One day three guys went to have their lunch.Their meal costed 30 pounds.Each one paid 10 pounds.Afterwards,the restaurant owner came and asked the waiter about his work."i've served a meal at 30 pounds for those three guys."the waiter said."Poor guys,pay them back 5 pounds.25 pounds are enough.i'm not a greedy man." the restaurant owner said.the waiter went to the three guys and paid them back only 3 pounds and he took himself the remaining 2 pounds.Thus,each one of the guys paid only 9 pounds.So 9 by 3 is 27 pounds are the total sum of money the guys paid.27 + 2 pounds, which the waiter took, are 29 pounds.Now,there is a lost pound but i don't know where it is.I'm not good at math.I need your help.


05:01 PM Aug 15 2010


Russian Federation

Thank you, Lala!You helped me to live happily after...!Laughing

I even saw this riddle in my dream, as the question of one coin disappearing was a curious one.Smile

12:20 PM Aug 15 2010



haha this riddle is as old as a world:) (at least my world:)

and since my name is HIGH_IQ Im just have to solve this riddle and to bear my name out:)

the trick of this riddle is in the way it is narrated,and particularry in this part:

the waiter went to the three guys and paid them back only 3 pounds and he took himself the remaining 2 pounds

remaining from what?! in the reality the waiter gave them 3 pounds back,so the total bill became 30-3=27. So each of guys paid 27:3=9 pounds. And what the waiter did next? He took this 27 pounds and went  to the owner. But the owner asked only for 25 pounds, so the waiter kept 2 pounds for himself and gave the owner 27-2=25 pounds.

 And they lived happily ever after.. :)

08:59 AM Aug 15 2010


Russian Federation

I have broken my brains about this riddle!

Maybe the coin of 1 pound fell down on the floor and nobody noticed it?UndecidedLaughing

August 9, 2010

What true love is?Everyone has a different opinion from other about true love because of the life he or she is leading.I don't like beating around the bush,so here it is my opinion:

True love is like a pillow

You hold it tightly when you are angry

You hug it when you are happy

You cry on it when you are in pain

You tear it up when you are brokendown

You embrace it when you are floating in your dreams

So when you need true love, Buy A Pillow.

I hope you enjoy this.Bye for now!!

July 19, 2010

Lots of people around the world may say that they are satisfied with themselves,but what is satisfaction with oneself? A person mustn't be so because he has lots of things to do.Even if you achieved your dreams,you have to help other people to achieve their dreams and ambition.You may not take my word but this is my word to you, and I believe what makes me satisfied with myself.