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Yuki P'UNK


February 17, 2009

Recently, the condition of my body hasn't been good because of having a pollen allergy :( In Japan, in this season, there are more pollen than usually. When I go back to my home, I gargle with Japanese tea, and I wash my eyes. A few days ago, my mother bought an air cleaner because I asked to do. Before I have had a pollen allerdy, I like spring the best. But now, I hope that the spring will go quickly!!!

12:14 AM Feb 20 2009

Yuki P'UNK

To. skyfine,

Thank you. I'm okay because I take a medicine for a pollen allergy.

That's exactly wright! I also like spring except that! I especially like cherry blossoms :D

08:44 AM Feb 17 2009



Are you OK? I'm sorry to hear that.
Hope you recover soon.

But I like spring, because many flowers will bloom. And the weather is good. Not cold and hot.

January 21, 2009

Today, I had a strange dream. In my dream, I was climbing a mountain with some strangers. I was walking on a slope of the mountain. At the time, I feels affection for a man whom I don't know though I didn't know why. I often told him that I want at least you are saved.

After I got up, I checked up oneiromancy  the reading of the dream. As a result, the dream gave a hint that luck will be coming my way!!! Surprisingly, in the afternoon, I got a phone, and it was a news that I passed the oral examination of a new part-time job!!:D By the way, I will work at a cafe, and I will make coffee there :)

Do you believe in the oneiromancy the reading of the dream?

09:18 PM Jan 26 2009

Yuki P'UNK

To. Canna,

I hope you will have a nice dream! I hope that my life is going well though I don't know it's doing. LoL

09:13 PM Jan 26 2009

Yuki P'UNK

To. slyfine,

Thank you! I hope that you will have nice dream. If you did, please write your blog :)

08:49 PM Jan 23 2009

Canna :)

Canna :)

haha.. u have a really nice dream:) congratulation with your exam and new part time job ^^

I think,, believe this oneiromancy:P for example like u.. Lol..

05:35 AM Jan 23 2009



I believe.

It's a good thing for you. Cheer up!!

It's a interesting thing, I hope I could have a nice dream.

January 13, 2009

Yesterday was Coming of Age Day. It's one of the Japanese celemonies and it's to celebrate people who are twenty years old. In Japan, people who are twenty years old are regarded as adults by the Japanese law. Many women who are twenty years old wore special kimono which is called 'Hurisode'. Some men who are twenty years old also wore 'Hakama' like a kimono for men. In my hometown, Coming of Age Day was held at a dome for succer games. I went there with one of my friends who went to the same high school to me. The celemony was one of the good oportunities to see one's friends again.

At 5:45 am, I went to a hairsalon to be made up my face, be done my hair and be dressed a kimono by hairdresseres. I felt that I was a fashion model :D I may add pictures of me later. At eleven, I met one of my friends  who went to the same high school to me. She was so cute! Walking to wear kimono was not easy because a band tied kimono to my waist which is called 'obi', and I couldn't stride because of kimono. And I couldn't lean on a support for the bac of a chair because of the belt. The back of it was tied like ribbon. In addition, it was so cold and windy. At noon, we arrived at the dome. 

At the dome, there were so many people, over half of seats of the big dome were occpied by people who are twenty years old. So, it was difficult to see my friends. But surprisingly, a man who I had loved when we were high school students sat near me!!! I was so nervous!!! I couldn't speak to him though I wanted to do that because I hasitated. That was because he refused me when I declared my love for him when we were high school students. But now I am gloomy. I may regret not to speak to him.

However I was also happy because I met many my friends. I hadn't seen them for a long time. Some of them changed so much. I took many pictures with them and we enjoyed talking. After that, we took 'purikura'. Have you heard it?  It's a sticker. You can make it by taking pictures by using the machine of 'purikura'. In brief, you can make stikers of you by special machines, and it's called 'purikura'. You can see them at amusement arcades.

At night, alumni associations were held each school. But I didn't do there because I was so tired and sleepy. But I was fine :) I am thankful for my parents that they have brought up me.

In your country, do you celebrate to mature like that?

07:02 PM Jan 14 2009

Yuki P'UNK

To. Canna,

My 20th b-day was also special!!:D Did you have a big b-day party?

On Coming Of Age Day, I got some pieces of cake and expensive meat from my grandparents,  aunt and parents as presents!xD

01:51 AM Jan 14 2009

Canna :)

Canna :)

It seems really nice :D I saw this in TV program before ^^In my country haven't celebrate 20years old like this:/ but about me ...I celebrated my 20 years old birthday was speciel =D coz u know when u are 20 years old ..your lunar b-day and solar b-day are the same day ^^  so I spend my 20 b-day was fantastic and special XD

01:24 AM Jan 14 2009

Yuki P'UNK

To. skyfine,

Okay! I am going add the pictures later :D

07:55 AM Jan 13 2009



In Taiwan, we don't have any ceremonies to celebrate when

we are twenty years old. I think it's a nice ceremony to

I want to see photos which you took at that day.(haha~