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April 7, 2008

today is the Qingming Festival.we  have a holiday today.this is my first time to spent this holiday,since i have borned.

qing ming festival is one of chinese traditional festivals.we go to fate our ancientor at this day.and we do it through sweeping the tower.

it comes at one day of April 4th to 6th in every year .there are many story about the frstival.there are many horrible.because it is to fate the deadman.it is said that ther are many ghostwould come tis night .by all means,many story tell us that it didn't happen .if you haven't do any bad thing ,you will not fear the ghost to catch you at night .it is all right? so many people still develop the tradition in china .and  they believe the ancient will bless them and their family .

what's your opnion  

April 6, 2008

a good teacher-student relationship is very important for teachers and the students.it even influence all the life of the students.so is the teachers.

so we should setup a good techer-student relationship.firstly,we should respect each other .for example ,we should listen to the teacher says when he or she is talking .secondly we could regard he or she as your friend or your older brother or sister after te class.it can reduce the generation gap.lastly ,we also give presents each other

i'm a student in a college.i always asked my teacher some question and i will answer "thank you"after he solve it or he can't solve it in time .my teacher and i have gone to climb at one weekend.we're pleasure ,i think it give us more benefit to setup a good-teacher relationship.



                                                                    April 3rd

April 6, 2008

we found children's schoolbag are getting heaier than before  ,recently.many student start to complaint,and they hate this society and even hate the government.

many people hope to reduce the burden of children's study.but it still didn't come true in china .the reason for this is not far to seek.firstly,there are so many people want to get acess to the uniwersity,but the university is not enough  to accept every student in china now.secondly,more and more people have to lose their job in china now.because  they have not enough educational history.lastly ,the parents all want their son or daughter wlii be loong or Phoenix one day.

although it is not easy to reduce the burden ,i think we should have a try in every way to solve it.some course which is interesting i think we should study and it can cultivate their interesting about study.such as music history PE.....it is benefit to them.


                                                                    April 2nd