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February 12, 2011



Hye world…what’s up??how is your life today?WHOEVER YOU ARE,WHEREVER YOU ARE,A WARM FRIENDSHIP FROM ME HERE in Borneo..I would  like to share the sweet of this life with this world.plus, I’ve experienced just like you the moments that make me think this life is all about pebbles and thistle…but today I’ve open my eyes and heart on how wonderful was a life is…it is the most precious and worth gift …yesterday, a day felt like a year to me…everything seem so impossible and hard.. but today I am happy with my life…every second is so worth to me…the smile that have been taken away from me have been returned…tears doesn’t means saddnes anymore..i don’t felt alone anymore because now I believe helps always there more then we think,there is always help that have been promise but sometimes we choose to close our heart …that makes us define life as a very heavy burden…my life doesn’t change so much but the way I look it help me feeling so much better….it all because now I’ve believe in my self..i’ve learn to love and appreciate my life..i doesn’t makes my heart whispering  as last choice anymore.i doesn’t want them waiting so long to be heard… there no reason for me to close my heart to my own voice..because dear world..there is nobody know yourself more  then your even they try to understand us so hard..ourselves is our bestest friend…a best friend that will always follow your dreams…a best friend that will  choose only  best things for you…a best friend that know what can make your smile or laughing…a best friend that never leave you either in cold or warm....yes…a best friend that makes you shine more then 1000 star..so dear  please believe in youself..take some look to this songs..


Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you
You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Come on, let your colors burst

                                               Firework by Katy perry..

  Believe In me..

I'm losing myself
Trying to compete
With everyone else
Instead of just being me
Don't know where to turn
I've been stuck in this routine
I need to change my ways
Instead of alway
I don't wanna be afraid
I wanna wake up feeling beautiful..today
And know that I'm okay
Cause everyone's perfect in unusual ways
So you see, I just wanna believe in me
The mirror can lie
Doesn't show you what's inside
And it, it can tell you you're full of life
It's amazing what you can hide
Just by putting on a smile
I'm quickly finding out
I'm not about to break down
Not today
I guess I always knew
That I had all the strength to make it through
Not gonna be afraid
I'm going to wake up feeling beautiful..today
And know that I'm okay
Cause everyone's perfect in unusual ways
So you see, now, now I believe in me

Now I believe in me ............

Thanks to demi lovato for this song

It really inspired me

To be strong in this world..


 No matter how unperfect your are …Eventhough you maybe a cactus among the thousand of roses but knowing that the different makes you beautifulll.and you're beautiful and lovely in you own way.just be true to youself and you'll be fine........

Just believe that everyone of us born to this world with a purpose..

Me too..yesterday I was weak because  I'm spending too much time to blame the unperfect side of myself..but it just killing myself..this is unforgiveness ....remember there is a reason for every single thing happen…nothing is free in this world..everything has a price… for example the price of tears is  happiness in our life…that all for me this time..dear, all of you are very lovely and great person…try to open your heart and know yourself better…..THANKS TO GOD FOR TEACH ME TO LOVE MYSELF CAUSE ONLY THIS WAY I CAN LEARN TO LOVE this world....GOD BLESS US…bye...


11:37 PM Feb 18 2011



Cool, Euphrasia...I beieve that you really have inspired us readers...

It seems like you can replace Cikgu Abdul already...hehehe

03:43 PM Feb 13 2011


Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

nice blog 

I want  to will be friend because I thing you very nice

February 5, 2011



            hye everyone...how is your life today??how about yesterday? and miss. mysterious tomorrow?

           some said... my life is fuck,suck,sweet,bitter,shinning like the sun...and many more...don't worry i have said all the words before...life is just like the wheel.sometimes we're below,sometimes we're at the top..so when you're on really bad situation don't worry because the better day is waiting for you.the longer the moment you're  waiting,the sweeter the fruits that you'll ripe..but you need to go on,don't stuck because how will the wheel turning if you stop?...i've so many experienced giving up in my life..but knowing all this things makes me stronger...so when the bad day comes i am just like  'it okay i believe the best day will be mine later '...so love your life...it so much worth..life is a very precious gift..

07:26 AM Aug 24 2011


i don't agree with you

06:47 AM Feb 10 2011



It's true and I agree but I guess not everyone is capable of "bouncing" back. Some people ended up letting those wheels stop spinning, isn't it? Haha...

05:12 AM Feb 08 2011

That Guy Owen
United States

Follow me and read my blog

04:35 PM Feb 06 2011



Agree with satclimb,some doing it in purpose some because of situational condition...

01:52 PM Feb 06 2011


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Each persons specify their price of their life!

Some people sale themselves very cheap and some people,s life is so great!


12:04 AM Feb 06 2011



Dear Euphrasia.. Nice topic... for me whatever life we have to cross just face it,and fight to do the best we can.. Yes we are not alone.. When we are in the bad days,sad days,terrible moment just remember that outside there,plenty of our families and friends are having even more terrible time than us...we have to be grateful for what God has given to us.. God never send difficulties outside of our capability.. So let it flow and sadness will be over sooner or later.. Have a nice day.... Wish you happy always..