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March 16, 2009

Our life is full of colors and cases that possess the human; each case has a certain color

Color of boring

This color is specified for a group of people, who depend on repetition in their style, talking and thinking or they are always silent and you don’t know how to start the conversation or you can’t put a mark for them in a place where you had been.

Color of grudge

It is closed to the black color, far away from whiteness. The concern of his mate is to find the mistakes of others to raise problems. He is enemy of forgiveness and peace. His conversation is always so negative, his principle is one by one and the starter is most oppressive even with children!!

Color of love

It is the whole color that supposes his available in it while the reality said that it became rare in these days. His mate is always smiling and sacrificing. Forgiveness is his most aspect. It is difficult that his mate is one reason of sadness. He is a treasure of emotions, very poor in respect of obscene words.

Color of anger

It is closed to the color of fire flame. Mostly, it is insignificant and its results always lead to regretting.

About his mate, everyone avoid discussing with him in any subject; very lovable from children because they are enjoying with him and spending adventures and exciting times through him.

Color of envy

This color brings sorrowfully and sadness to his mate. He is always busy with the works of others more that their concern of themselves. Rarely, he gets an invitation to the wedding party or dinner or any occasion. His concerns lead to laughing.

Color of rejoicing

It is the demanding color to all although it is rarely anyone to see it. To possess this color, you need too much effort accompanied with the patience of his mate who lives his real life. This color always obscures with the color of envy of grudge.

Color of upset

An attractive and desirable color to those with small minds; his mate mostly runs away from everyone.

His friends could be counted with your fingers. The atmosphere is distracted with his presence. Rarely he possesses the color of love.     

05:07 AM Mar 17 2009



hi sometimes can grow up even rare species  in a polluted world...color of loveSmile



March 15, 2009

One of the beautiful traditions in American universities and high schools that their graduates came back from time to time in a gathering meeting to know about each other news; who professionally succeeded, who married and who gave birth…etc.

In one of those universities, some of its graduates met in a house of their old teacher after long years of leaving school, accomplishing big achievements in their life, getting high positions and attaining social and financial independence.

After complimented and greeting words

Everyone started complaining about work pressure and stressed life.

The teacher disappeared for a while and came back carrying a big ewer of coffee with cups of different shapes and colors: luxurious Chinese cups, melamine cups, ordinary glass cups, plastic cups and crystal cups. Some cups were so beautiful in decoration and color and seemed expensive and other cups you can find them in the poorest houses.

The teacher said: here you are, and take the coffee for yourself

When every graduate hold the cup, the teacher begun to talk: Do you notice that the only beautiful cups were your selection and you avoided the ordinary cups??? And it is normal that each one of you is looking for the best and this exactly what caused you stress and worried. What you need was the coffee and not the cups but you only concerned about the beautiful expensive cups and after that I noticed that you looked for the cups of others. If the life was a coffee, the job, money and social position would be cups, so they are only tools and utensils that contain the life. And, the type of life (coffee) will be the same that will not change, and when we only focus on the cup, we will lose the chance of enjoying the coffee. So, I advice you not to concern about cups and cupfuls, instead of this, enjoy the coffee.

In reality, this is a disease that everyone suffers from.

There are some people who don’t thank ALLAH for what they have whatever the successful they reach; because we only look for what others have e.g. when we sit in a restaurant and we order a type of food, instead of enjoying our plates, we look for what others have in their plates and we said “I wish if I ordered like him”


01:56 PM Mar 15 2009


Saudi Arabia

That's really amazing and I never see like this before. Please keep writing, thanks a lot I learn from you.

01:00 PM Mar 15 2009



It's a very important lesson .
