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January 3, 2009

  Nowadays, you don’t have to go to Africa to see an elephant; you don’t have to go to the North Pole to see a polar bear. You can see all kinds of wild animals at the nearest zoo.

Zoos are places where animals are kept so that you can learn about them. They are also places where scientists study animals. Some zoos help preserve endangered animals from total extinction. The good side in zoos is that they try to reproduce environment in such a way that to looks like the natural home of each animal that lives there. Most of the zoos have rocks and trees, bushes, and other plants that the animal likes. Some of the places in the zoo might look like deserts or prairies or rain forests. For example, polar bears may have ponds of ice – cold water to play in and the monkeys have trees they can climb. There are also many people that take care of the zoo’s animals. Zoologists are scientists who study animals. The vets are animals’ doctors who cure each one that is ill. And the zookeepers take care of everything the animal needs.

All this seem good for the animals but, on the other hand, zoos are damaging them. Firstly, the animals are kept in cages, sometimes bigger but cages that limit their freedom and make them live in smaller space. Secondly, there some zoos that don’t have all the necessary facilities for its habitants and their “homes” are in dreadful situation which is not very healthful for them. And thirdly and most important – in the past most of the animals in the zoos were captured wild; today they want their animals the breed in the zoo; and here is the problem. If an animal was born and brought up in a zoo and it comes a time to go back into the wild, it can’t survive, because it was used to people’s care. The zoos are bad because they make their animal dependent on people; this changes their nature.

I think that zoos have a useful purpose after all but only because save animals in danger. Otherwise, I don’t approve the fact that they put them “borders”. I consider that this isn’t the only way to help wild animals but for now we have only this!