Learn English with English, baby!

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"Learning English"




July 10, 2010

Improving English speaking and listening are more important than anything else, yet most school programs suck in these areas. It is very frustrating for millions of students and they need another method or they will have poor English forever. My brother and I moved to Shanghai 6 years ago and have been making an English radio show you can put on your Ipod. We talk about our daily lives and the interesting and funny experiences we have. We try to make them entertaining instead of the usual boring lessons that most people make. I think you will enjoy them. Check them out at: Ipod English

03:01 AM Jul 11 2010



wow that's really great, I wish to speek english flountly and am good at listening..


July 10, 2010

A good knowledge of American Slang is super important to communicate in a normal and kind of cool way.  You will hear a lot of slang in movies, but unless it is explained to you, you probably won't remember much.  I've been teaching English for years and I made a really cool show to put on your Ipod.  My brother and I talk about our regular lives and discuss meeting girls, making money, and a bunch of other funny topics.  The whole time we focus on teaching and explaining common American slang.  If you listen to our show, you'll learn so much.  We've got a bunch of free lessons as well as a really cool VIP section.  If you are interested in really learning how native speakers talk as well as hearing some funny personal stories about my dating life, family life, stuff we do with friends, and learn some real American Slang

click on the "American Slang" link above and start listening.  Signing up for the free VIP trial is a good idea to explain how everything works and what you should do.  

Enjoy.  I'm sure you'll like it. 



July 10, 2010

If you want to speak the way native English speakers do, which I imagine you do, you need to Learn Phrasal Verbs. I didn't know what phrasal verbs were until I started teaching English so in case you didn't know either, here are some examples: I "ran into" my friend at the mall. He "carried on" about his girlfriend all night. "ran into" and "carried on" are examples of phrasal verbs. They are used all the time by native English speakers and they are incredibly important to learn if you want to master the English language. If you really want to learn more about phrasal verbs, try this freePhrasal Verbs Course