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My Cool Blog




November 7, 2008

        A new dawn of American leadership is at hand on the autumn night . Change has come to Amercia , as well the world ,  i think.  

       And what deeply impressed me is the confidence ,the hope and the measure of humility Obama wanna  to convey . He me nentioned "yes ,we can "several times  in the speech . "The road ahead will be long .our climbe will be steep, but i have never been more hopeful that we will get there"..."while we breathe ,we hope "..."There will be setbacks and false starts ...but i will alwaysbe honest with you about the challenges we face .I will listen to you ,especially when we disagree"...

      As for me , I am  always  lack of confidence . while from now on I wanna be a self-confident and hopeful girl . Believe me ! Just  wait and see!

November 7, 2008

       Hi all!  Im Tessa,and  this is my first blog . I enter the ebaby by accident  , and  i just wanna  practice my english and also make more friends from all over the world . my SMN is tessa_lee@msn.cn. Hope to chat with you ,everyone!