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catatan saya




November 19, 2009

when the time is come

and the turn is on your side

then you feel very depressed

and you only know the others never can help you

so to whom you can hope for any help

06:44 AM Nov 20 2009



Real of the life is Solitary and lonesome of the end it in fact.

07:31 PM Nov 19 2009



November 19, 2009

unbelieveble, but it almost true

there are no action without connection to another action

that there are always a cause behind the case

and it seem impossible for watching one single action that work as a standalone



random is fake

and random generator is only a manipulating machine that full of engineered

no randomize but it always there: the chain of reaction

October 6, 2009

we see a tomorrow like we see the world this day

we think a next hour like we life at this moment

that's our behavior when thinking about next time

everything seem clear, as usually, and surely

and we accustomed with this way, till we are not remember about the truth


the future is always mystery, but this reality ever fotgotten

so we can laugh, smile, and feel happy

and the life as felt forever in the same situation


only the accident bringing our mind to reality

or everything that hurt our feeling make our consciousness life again

and we start thinking again about our life

that we actually can never forget or lost


we feel we life forever

and at the same time we see the mirage

07:45 PM Oct 06 2009



SmileThe mirage could be blind some person who never the truth of life.Smile

SmileAnd the truth of life needs  sincerity of love , kind , help , peace , soft and other goodness from who concern and comunicate togetherSmileand this which is the facts alive of life of human. Kiss